Sonata 9

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A/N: YES GUYS! What you're seeing is right I uploaded twice this week :)

Anyway play the music at the side while reading this! :)

Sonata 9:

I look at Noah at the big glass his face turned long and he started working back to his spot. Denise waved a hand to me signaling she was leaving. I waved a hand.

“DJ Javy. You still in there?” The voiced asked concerned

“Yeah I’m still here… So, what song would you like to dedicate to me?” I chuckled at the awkwardness of this situation.

“Well I was thinking of True Love by Pink because that’s how I think about ort situation. You obviously hate me from the tiniest hair of my body to my biggest part of my bone---and when I say bone I mean my huge--.”

“Ah-Nope! You don’t need to tell that on air DH!” I said. Of course he obviously meant that his biggest bone was his boner. This guy really.. I clicked my tongue and shook my head

“Haha that’s funny how you shortcut your endearment to me.”

God! I can’t believe this dickhead he totally caught me off guard. Asking to be my date on air so humiliating! Of course he’s on air I obviously have to say yes.

Yes people of the world! It’s him none other than Dominic my date to the Annual Meet and Greet Ceremony. Gosh! After he said things about my supposedly date last Monday morning I can’t believe he was the one to ask me to be his date.

This guy has some serious mental issues.

“Haha you’re so funny. Whatever DH here’s your song request dedicated to me. Thanks!”

“Okay DJ Javy see you around later. You’re welcome! By the way I like your voice on air.”

“Thank you again.” Thank God he can’t see me. I’m blushing already.

“Okay guys! Here’s a request by my date to me True Love by Pink.Enjoy!”

Several tweets and text messages that is connected to the screen of the computer appeared.

Who’s DJ Javy?

Who’s the guy? He sounds familiar. Is he John from second year?

No he’s Jess from third year.

I just rolled my eyes at their comment. I guess not all are close to Dominic to hear his real voice.

I scrolled down to read more.

Oh my lucky you Javy! –Miles,Milan.;)

Damn! I’m caught my friends obviously know that I’m DJ Javy because I told them.


Soon the program ended I went out the studio room I found Noah sitting busy while talking to another guy who are at the technical.

I tapped his shoulder.

“Hey Noah!” I greeted.

He nodded and continued to talk to the guy.

I tapped him again.

He tried to ignore me and continued to talk to the guy.

“What? Can’t you see I’m busy here?” He snapped at me.

I flinched a bit as my mouth formed into an ‘o’

His face softened. “Sorry Joey. I’m just so busy. What do you want to talk about.”

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