Sonata 8

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A/N: Oh yeah! Here it is as promised :D.. Oh and the first part of this chapter is just a filler while some parts are important.

Sonata 8:

The day went by so fast and all were talking about the upcoming Annual Meet and Greet with the TMSM students which is going to be held on Friday next week.

“Oh my I don’t have a dress!” Miles shouted at my ears.

Gracie butt in. “Of course Miles you’re a guy.” Miles snapped at her. “I mean gay of course why would you dress? Are you trying to humiliate yourself!” She was shouting at him. He pouted.

“Oh I don’t know. I was thinking would guys want to pick up some dresses tomorrow. I’ll be your personal driver and I’ll be the one to choose which dress you would like to wear.”  He grinned at us.

“I don’t know. If I would want to come.” Diana whispered.

“What the hell?! Why not?” Miles was now shouting at Diana. Seriously are this people deaf Geez.

“Well.. Travis is there and I’m  a plain Jane. I’d rather not go to those stop.”

“Gosh! Sometimes you’re such a nerd!” Miles teased her and she glared at him. “I mean come on you’re like the Asian piano prodigy but you’re like so shy when you stop playing the piano. You should let loose sometimes. Have you talked to him?”

She nodded.

“What did he say?” Milan asked as she looked up after playing candy crush at her phone forgetting that there’s a world.

“Oh thank God my sister is alive!” Miles raised up his hands in the air and Gracie joined him. “Hallejuiah!” Gracie sung the words and the group burst out laughing as Milan smacked Miles arm.

I cut them off first “Guys let’s be serious. So Diana what did Travis say?”  The group turned silent and gave their attention to Diana.

She was looking at us unsure. “Well, Uhm we didn’t really talk a lot but he kept on showing up in a lot of places where I am. He would go to visit my classes just to say hi out loud.” We nodded in response I noticed Travis has been doing that a lot lately. He was like an entertainment for the class and the teacher would scold him for being a disturbance and obviously cutting for a bit at his class.

“And there was this time he went to my one on one session at piano and watched me. God that was embarrassing.” She covered her face as I noticed her ear turned red. Gracie and Miles cooed at her.

“What else?” Milan asked clasping her hand.

“Well he asked me to be his date at the party.” Diana continued

“So that’s why you don’t want to attend?”  Miles asked.

“Not really.” She bit on her lip.

“So what did you say?” Milan asked.

“No.” Diana said plainly.

“What?! He’s like a hot steaming model guy out of magazine!” Milan exclaimed as she rubbed her face because she was pissed.

“But that’s not the worst.” Diana cut Milan’s tantrum.

“He said that I give him a chance to prove himself and maybe if he proves enough I could finally answer his question.” Diana slowed.

“That?” I asked. Everybody now was leaning in.

“That I go and date him.” The group was raising fist in the air and a couple of ‘yes!’ ‘thank the lawd!’ ‘finally!’

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