Lost in Forks Chapter 6

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I had to get out of that house, I couldn't be around anyone right now. I just needed time to think about everything happening. Hunting helped me, I took down an elk and two deer. I must of been running for awhile because I found this little cliff. Standing by the edge I could see faint street lights and a few buildings in the distance. I wish I could cry right now...


A few hours had passed when I finally picked up someone's scent.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now" I yelled

"Then listen" Bella said walking out of the forest

"I thought you were Alice. Sorry, is she mad at me?"

"No she's just giving you space, no ones mad Emma" she smiled.

"I'm surprised after the way I ran out of there"

"We all have gone through stuff before we turned, everyone's life was changed and the reason before our transformations was different. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time Emma that's it."

"Bella I don't wanna talk about this right now!"

"Then listen to what I have to say." Bella looked over towards the little cliff. "I met Edward, my husband 7 years ago. He turned and flipped my once boring life into a wonderful journey of lessons and trust. I have always been able to trust Edward and our family, but that doesn't mean I haven't ever been in trouble or confused about what was going on like you are right now. The world of vampire's aren't all like us Emma. There are some evil vampire's out there and I have been through enough danger to know you cannot trust our whole race. I have been attacked by every member of a coven before, but each time I have learnt from it. Just like you will from this one. You're wondering what happened to your friend and we all can hope she is safe, and whoever has her will release her. You're going to find something in life that will try and bring you down. Edward was very reluctant to change me has he always thought my life would be better lived out as a human. In more ways than none I disagreed with him but here we are. He wouldn't go back and change the fact he gave me immortal life because he knows I love this life. Emma, you will eventually as well. It just takes time."

I understand what she was saying but my anger wasn't coming out right. I was missing out on so much. Bella had all the things I wanted.

"Bella, you have a husband. You have a beautiful daughter. You have this immortal life with that family. I won't. I have experienced love before, but I haven't gone through marriage or starting a family with that person and now I won't." I started a sob, a tearless sob. I was missing out on so much.

"You haven't lost the power to love someone Emma. You know Rosalie was just like you. She wanted the married life, children and that was ripped from her. She has dealt with it, and she met Emmett and she experienced undying love."

I should go speak to Rosalie about this. I did appreciate Bella's help, but maybe Rosalie could help a little more.

"Thank you Bella, it means a lot you took the time to come and talk to me." I smiled and looked away again.

"Want to head back now? I know Renesmee would like to play a game with you." She smiled the second she said her daughter's name. It was kinda beautiful to witness.

"Let's go back" I rose from the rock and kept up with Bella as we ran back.

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