Lost in Forks Chapter 1

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Today is my last day in Seattle Washington, Lexi insist we go on a hike on her favorite trail in Forks by La Push beach. I've never been a nature girl to this day I'm still not but if it makes her happy I'll go, after a four hour drive we finally arrive in Forks. It's a small town with only one red light in the center. It's a pretty nice town, too small for me to be happy in but I've always liked big cities and she loves small towns. She says they always have more to discover.
"We're here!!" Lexi shouts.w We both get out of the car, surprisingly the beach is empty. We grab our backpacks and start walking. During the walk we talk about how amazing the summer has been, how we wish I could stay. We both were heading back to school soon. We have been best friends since we were five years old, our dads were roommates in college and reconnecting when we moved down the street from Lexi and her family. When I was four, she was the sister I wish I had. The sun was starting to set and we could see it as we were getting to the end of the trail, it ended on this big cliff it was breath taking I could stare at this view forever the gold and pinks of the sunset were something you only saw in a really good painting or photograph. I went to grab my camera out of my bag to take a picture of the sky and I thought Lexi was right behind me there was no sign of her at all, I started calling her name and got nothing I started to panic, I was walking back into the woods and that's when I saw her body lying there on the ground behind a tree I ran over to her and I could tell she was dead, she had no pulse when I felt her wrist. On the side of her neck I saw these two marks dripping blood. I started crying and screaming for help hugging her lifeless body then all of a sudden it was like I was hit by a truck and slammed against a tree away from her I look up and see a man with bright red eyes he grabbed me and I felt a piercing on the right side of my neck and then I was dropped to the ground and right before everything went black I saw what what looked like giant wolves,one had brown rusty color looking fur and another was all black were in front of the man and then they attacked him, and my whole body felt like I was burning.

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