Lost in Forks Chapter 2

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Lost in forks chapter 2

I don't know how long I was burning it could of been days,hours,weeks. It felt like someone was ripping my skin apart and setting the cuts on fire, I wanted to die I couldn't take the burning anymore. I knew screaming wouldn't do me any good no one was going to hear me or be able to make it stop, I just wanted this to be over.


At some point the burning went away I couldn't of been happier. I opened my eyes to see three people staring at me, they were all so beautiful and I couldn't stop staring at them either. The blonde guy finally spoke don't be afraid everything's okay now...what was there to be afraid of? I started looking around the room and then I saw my own reflection. I had blood red eyes like the man in the forest and my hair was longer,darker,fuller for some reason. I didn't even look like myself surprisingly I liked this version better besides my creepy eyes. There was only two things i wanted to know right now What happened to me? Where's Lexi? I was shouting now. Calm down and we can explain everything I'm Carlisle and this is Edward and Alice. Edward was gorgeous, Alice reminded me of tinker bell only her hair was black. I'd be more then happy to explain everything once you've hunted Carlisle said. What do you mean hunted? You need to hunt. No I need to know what happened to me! Your a vampire now because the man in the forest changed you, he was hunting and you would of been his lunch if Jacob and Sam hadn't got him off of you. it was Edward who answered me im guessing your throat is probably killing you right. All he had to do was mention my throat and the burning started all over again.

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