Goodbye World

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She had a total one track mind, easily sliding through the crowd like there weren't even people in the way. Not that it was hard, with people moving the second they saw me and shrugging away when we walked past. They must really have not known what exactly would end up turning me, fearing that even their touch could cause a reaction.It would have made me feel a pang of something if I wasn't so focused on finding them. I felt like I was turning in circles every few seconds, trying to find a familiar face. But it was just Skylla, blue-brown hair bouncing with every hurried step. It felt like I'd trailed behind her like this before, but now it was for something a lot more important than a change of cloths.

"Cammie! Where the hell are you going?" Brie sounded angry but it didn't even register over my relief. Unfortunately, the visible flinch Skylla gave was what clued me in. Brie was glaring at her, like I hadn't been following out of my own free will. The space that had cleared around us grew wider, giving the angry reaper a wide berth. I jumped in as quickly as I could.

"We were trying to find you. I talked to Aryan." It was enough to stop her, and her mood changed immediately. I wanted her to at least acknowledge she'd turned on Skylla too quickly, but of course nothing happened. She just focused on me, like the other girl wasn't event here.

"And?"It meant a dozen different things and she didn't need to explain any of them

"It's going to be soon, he wanted to gloat but I kind of shut him down."She nodded, going eerily still for a second. I was about to ask something when she nodded again, to herself, and set her shoulders back.

"Go back to Rina, let her know. Then get out of the damn ballroom."When she did look at Skylla it was on the last line, more of an order than anything. To get me out, get me away from the fighting. The image of a bloodied floor returned, more forcibly now, and I was somehow certain that it was going to happen. And very, very soon. I nodded once, a lot more hesitantly than her, before turning back to Skylla. I had to admit she had looked fairly shocked about Aryan, and she hadn't wasted any time finding Brie. If she wasn't on our side,she wouldn't have done that. Right? It was too confusing trying to decide who to trust, so I decided to focus on one thing. Finding Rina.

I grabbed Brie's hand, squeezing it once before taking off back towards the music. I was loosing my confidence, faltering every few steps. I was hit by the realization that I didn't want to do this. All too suddenly everything seemed too close, too loud, too much. I was scared. Not even the sight of Rina's relieved face did much to calm me down. I was scared and I wanted to leave, even if it wasn't possible. She was still across the room, and I still had time to try and compose myself. But I was growing increasingly sure I wouldn't be able to in time. I felt A cool hand on my shoulder, and it took a second to realize it was Skylla.

"Breathe,"she ordered, and I really did try to. It just didn't quite come outright, too shaky and too shallow. She grabbed my shoulder tighter as we kept walking. "Breathe. Calm yourself down. You have space,you have air." It helped a little more the second time, and I made myself look around and realize she was right. I was still being given the same wide berth, I was still being avoided. The music was the same low volume. I breathed, steadier this time, and then again.Even when her hand slipped from my shoulder like nothing had happened, I found myself breathing again. Once we'd crossed the room Rina engulfed me in a hug, burying her face in my should.

"I was so worried," she muttered, which only made me feel worse. I wish I had good news for her, but I knew that I didn't. When she pulled away and held me at arm's length, I saw in her eyes that she knew the moment she couldn't find me what was happening. I almost didn't have to tell her.

"Brie said I need to go, because Aryan was here, and..." it felt insufficient, but she nodded anyways. She smiled, the kind of sincere smile I came to expect from her. Even though I didn't feel it I found myself mirroring it, and drawing her back in for another hug. It felt horribly final, but I hugged her tightly anyways. We were alone in our own little world, and it didn't matter about anyone else.

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