Chapter 3

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Everything finally clicked in my head. This was the guy that saw me earlier. This has only happened to me a few times, and I'm usually quick to get away as fast as I can, but I just couldn't get out of his goddamn grip. I kicked and thrashed and clawed at him, but his grip around my waist never faltered.

Still struggling, he pulled me outside of the club, and everything around me was pitch black. I took this as a reasonable change to try and escape. As I waited for the exact moment to run-because his grip was slowly loosening-I contemplated not running at all.

I needed to ask this guy a couple things and I knew if I ran I probably would never see him again. So I stayed. I just stopped struggling. Plus I was starting to get really tired.

"Who are you" he said out of nowhere.

"It's none of your business" I mumbled back."but I'll tell you if you tell me who your are first." That should do it.

"I'm Sam. Ive lived just about anywhere you could think of and I've met some pretty interesting people." He stated as he flashed his award winning smile at me. "Now who are you?"

"My name is autumn. I live in creek side valley. I was born in 1997. I have a normal life." I really hope he bought that, but judging by the look on his face he saw right through my lie. After he stopped staring at me and just sighed.

Only about five minutes later, I was being tossed-literally- into the back of Sam's truck. Wow that hurt. He was slowing getting more and more annoying, as if this was some thing he was used to. I still have no idea where we are going, but I practically fall asleep right away.

I had a really bad feeling about what I was doing, but I chose this life, and I have to learn how to tell a few little white lies to help myself.

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