Chapter 2

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I grabbed an apple and a piece of bread and got up off of the dewy grass in the meadow. I remember seeing a club on the way back from Super Mart, and I'd decided to go there later.

About a month ago, I was at the mall just walking around where it wasn't as cold, and I saw a beautiful dress. I tried it on and it fit perfectly so obviously I was gonna take it. I had kept it in my bag I case I ever needed it, and if finally get to wear it. I stripped and through my clothes in my bag, then grabbed the dress and pulled it on, doing my best to zip up the back. Being homeless, you might think I was really scrawny, but I'm actually really fit from all the running I do. I took out the small handheld mirror I stole a while ago and checked my face. I never realised I'd hit my head, but I had a small bruise near my hair. Oh we'll. other than that I guess I looked ok so I put the mirror away. I really don't like looking at my reflection for long because it reminds me how much I've changed. I tugged on the four inch heels I had stole with the dress.

Makeup was the last thing I wanted to have on my face so I just found my only red lipstick in my bag and rubbed a layer on my lips. I had the same feeling I got earlier that someone was watching me. This time, instead of ignoring it, I actually turned around in a slow circle.

"I'm probably just being paranoid because of what happened earlier." I mumbled to myself. The sun was already starting to set and I had a fairly long walk in these heals,so I picked up my bag and started walking. All the way to the club, that damn feeling wouldn't go away that someone was watching me. As I got to the club I saw that the line was extremely long and I really didn't want to wait. I walked slowly around the building so know one would see me. I quickly found the back entrance and checked if it was locked. Whatever dumbass was running this place clearly needed to be fired because the door opened without me even having to pick the lock. I slipped silently through the door and into the club.

God I missed this. The music blared in my ears. It's been months since I've done this. I walked straight to the bar and sat down. I ordered a drink and just sat waiting. It dawned on me that I didn't have any money so I quickly got up and walked away. I really wanted to dance and it was almost pitch black in the club so why wouldn't I? As I was making my way through the crowd of people, I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me backwards.

I really didn't know what was going on, and for some reason I didn't even try to get away. I wasn't thinking straight and I really needed to get out of here. This was supposed to be a fun night.

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