Still Flying (Russia x America) [Wing AU]

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I kept running through the woods of Montana. They're still after me. I don't know why. I'm not here to hurt anyone! I felt a sudden pain in one of my wings, causing me to fall. I looked to see a bullet wound in it. "Finally! Send this creature back to where he belongs!" The person chasing me pointed the gun to my head. "Stop!" I looked to see a tall man with a Russian accent. "He's not hurting anyone! Why kill him if he has done nothing wrong!?" "He's a demon from hell! Here to destroy us! I'm sending him back to where he belongs!" "You've corrupted people to believe he's evil, and kill him to be a hero for wealth! You're the real demon here!" I looked at the tall man with wonder. Why was he defending me? "You're lying!" The shooter said. "No! You're lying!" The tall man punched the shooter in the face, and helped me up.

"I'd like to thank you for stopping that man." "It's no problem. You haven't done anything wrong." I smiled at the tall man. "What's your name, Angel?" I blushed at the name he gave me. "Alfred." "My name is Ivan. You can stay here. I'd like to have some company around here." He fixed the bullet wound (miraculously) in my wing. "I can no longer fly. I'm forever ground-bourne [I'm not even sure that's a word XD]." The tall man, or Ivan, gave me a look of pity. "Please don't look at me like that. It makes me feel uncomfortable and like a charity case." I felt arms around me. Ivan was hugging me, causing me to blush. "I'm sorry. I feel bad for you, though. To have wings, but can no longer fly." "I am flying still..." Ivan looked at me, taking what I meant, and smiled. "And I am now flying too."

Requested by FluffyFox_. I love their name!! :D

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