French Hero (France x America)

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Blood was falling down my back from the cuts made by a whip. The abuse continued. I could hear the whip slashing through the air and hitting my back. The laughter made by my torturer. Russia. It was non stop. He didn't just use a whip, he also used knives, water, tasers, and anything else he could find. I wish someone would help me...

I opened my eyes to find myself being held by France, who was running. He looked hurt. "France?" "Shh. Go back to sleep Amerique." He sounded tired. I looked behind him to see Russia far behind, and disappeared shortly after. France quickly ran into his house and locked the door. He sat me down on the couch, and grabbed a first aid kit. "I wish I would have found you sooner. If only I knew this was happening before now." France said hurt. He sounded like he cared. "No one would have found out. Russia kept me hidden, and he never led people to what was happening." I explained. I hissed a little while France rubbed medicine on my cuts. "I'm glad I found you before it continued more." "Why?" France gave me a shocked look. "You're my little brother! Why would I NOT care!?" I looked down. "Amerique, there is no reason in the WORLD that would make me stop loving and caring for you." "Nothing?" I asked with a few tears. "Nothing." He pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face into his chest. "Thank you France." "No problem Amerique."

Requested by @MadelynAndMadrid Hope i spelled it right... And I had a hard time figuring out which song to use! -_-

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