enemies no more (america x north korea)

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I stared at America like a love struck teen. I want to tell him how I feel. How I have feelings for him. Not like friendly feelings, but lovey dovey feelings. Even during the Korean war I still wanted his love. I have to act like I hate him though. I mean, everyone already thinks I hate him. But if I continue this act, he'll never notice my love. Woah woah woah! Why is Japan and China both staring at America like he's theirs!? They better back off my man! He's mine! I got jealous as South Korea groped my crush. He's always trying to steal America's attention. It makes me so mad!

"I see you like Amerika, da?" I heard Russia say to me after the meeting. I didn't look at him. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone. Go to him, da." "Isn't it bad to love an enemy?" I ask. "Da, but this time it's alright. I know you truly love him." Russia says. "Honhonhon I sense North Korea's in love with a certain American." I heard France say. "Why won't you admit your feelings to Amerique? Afraid?" I kicked France in the face. "I'm not afraid! In fact, tomorrow I'm going to tell him how I feel." I say.

I'm walk up the steps towards America's door. What of he rejects my feelings. I knock on my love's door. "Oh hi North Korea. What brings you he-" before he could finish, I crashed my lips onto his. "I love you America! More than anything in the world! You don't know how much I love you!" I said. My face was bright red. America smiled. "I love you to." I kissed him once more. It made me so happy to hear him say that! Now I have to tell the other nations America's mine. Finally he's my boyfriend. I've never been so happy in my life.

[Hello everybody! I got this idea from a fanfiction. I wasn't kidding when I said I ship anyone with America. :3 I hope you enjoyed this and here comes the brofist. :)]

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