Hallowed Be Thy Quackery

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I've been trying to sleep this crap off. Also getting back to normal duties. Kind of. First time I've felt free in months. Even if all I can do is go upstairs.

But there have been no services. The church remains closed. So I just polish and re-polish all of the glorified mannequins the old people like to come and pray to. I miss the parishioners' wrinkled looks of disapproval as well as the odd funk of burned tuna casserole they carry with them.

Truth is, I could go for some home cooking. Even bland, beige slop from someone's demented grandma would be OK.

Meanwhile, the priest stays hidden in his chambers. Door locked. Lights out. Except for a few hours the other day.

That's when I overheard the following conversation between him and a crazy lady. Someone he finds important. 

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Doctor," the priest said. "I hope I didn't scare you."

"Dear boy, God, no. Hun, I've seen just about everything. You could unzip your pants, show me your three dragon testicles, and I wouldn't bat a lash."

"Never dull, are you?"

"Dull is for the lifeless, Sugar. And for the Church."

"I don't know about that."

"Yeah, you do. Gotta find God outside the trappings, you know? Anyway, why am I here?"

"I've got someone for you to help. He's taken with darkness. I'm out of other options. He'll ruin everything."

"Wouldn't be so bad, Darling. Everything's already ruined. Gloriously ruined. And the better for it. But I'll just pretend you don't understand that yet."

"He's too important. But he's attached. So, so attached."

"Don't you worry, Hun. I'll yank those devils right out of that boy's skull. Leave me to it."


The crazy lady didn't answer.

Secrets from a Church Basement: The Desperate Diary of Fresco AyersWhere stories live. Discover now