Love in Chains

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Love in Chains

I never should have become a father. I wasn't cut out for it. I'm still not. I've failed miserably at demonstrating my love to anyone I've ever cared about. Nobody knows this better than my daughter.

Is it ever enough to love somebody completely if those feelings stay trapped within you, without tangible expression?

I miss Jo so much. But I know I can't be with her. I may never be able to rescue her, either. Maybe it's for the best. We only ever hurt each other when we're together. Even before her mom's death, we struggled. I loved her. She loved me. It didn't matter. It wasn't enough.

This girl, her name is Chloe. She is slowly opening up. But she only makes my pain worse. In her eyes, I see my baby's. I've discovered no answers there.

If I ever find Jo, what will I tell her? Will she even want to hear it? Will she care that I was trapped in God's basement?

Questions for another day.

Meanwhile, another gift from Lucy arrived with its usual stench. How loving.

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