YouTube + Music = ME! (Tagged)

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1. I play...four instruments? Clarinet, piano, tenor sax, and recorder. Though, once you know one sax, you known them all. Five if you count my voice.

2. I am in my high school marching band.

3. I probably watch too much YouTube.

4. I have a lot of OCs that you guys don't know about. I have an incomplete list that is 59 OC's long... though I don't even use the majority of them.

5. I technically don't live in a city. I technically only live in a county.

6. I am advanced in science and math. I'm taking a sophomore science class, chemistry, and a junior/sophomore math class, geometry, as a freshmen. I'm considered one if the "smart kids." Not to mention I'm in the accelerated jazz band. Plus honors English.

7. I'm really good at doing evil characters. I don't know why, but I just am. Maybe it's the Scorpio in me...

8. I love sour stuff! I can even eat lemons without my face puckering up. I don't know if that's because I have a really high sour tolerance or I'm inhuman, but whatever.

9. So, there's this guy at my school... I kinda like him, like the crush way. AAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd, he shares a name with the king of Atlantis....

10. I'm in the middle of writing my own song on the piano. I think I'm down to finalizing some of the tunes and figuring out some notes. Then I'll just have to work out the kinks for actually playing it.

11. At the end of this school year/beginning of next school year, I'll have had a friend for ten years. Wow, that seems weird to say.

12. My favorite season is fall.

13. I ran out of things to say by this point.



Yes, I know that this isn't 15 people, but I don't have that many followers, and I don't really feel comfortable tagging anyone else, so ya.

~Ace Out!

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