Writing...Can I get some help?

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So, I am here on Wattpad, obviously, but one thing that I really want to do is write stories! I have some ongoing ones, but I have a huge problem with writing them.

I am ALWAYS coming up with ideas for stories. For instance, I have three ideas for AtlanticCraft stories, one based off of marching band and track, others based off of YouTube, and even my own original ideas! The problem is, I'm really bad at the actually writing them part. Now, I know that a lot of that is that I'm REALLY busy. I mean, seriously! I just started seminary, so I can't stay up as late anymore; I have marching band that takes up a lot of time; plus, I'm a Freshman in high school, so my homework load is bound to be larger. 

Does anyone have any tips to help me? Please, I need all the help that I can get! Thanks if you do!

~ Ace Out!

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