Escalating Situation

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Draco Malfoy is an impatient person. When he wants something, he tends to want it that very moment and not a second longer. Unfortunately, when dealing with women, he suddenly realizes he needs to learn that virtue.

You, of all people, have a way of getting under his skin.

For one thing, how dare you publicly scorn his advances and yet frolick with that low class wizard in Hogsmead! Do you not care how it looks upon your family name!? Wait until your mother hears about this!

Draco seethes where he stands, watching as you and Fred leave one of the shops, giggling at each other. The Malfoy can feel the red climbing his face as the Weasley wipes a bit of butter beer from your lips --- Draco knows how soft they are, how they feel against his own and someone like Weasley doesn't deserve that honor!


"What does she think she's doing?" He hears a Gryffindor whine a few feet away, wrapped up in her house colors and looking tacky as she stands with a few of her friends. "Good guys are hard enough to come by, why can't she just stay in her own house?"

"She's a Slytherin," another scoffs. "They always take the good stuff, think they're entitled to it."

How condescending.

Draco arches a brow thoughtfully, his hands slipping into his coat pockets. So not everyone is supportive of this relationship, huh?

What does the other twin think about it?


"Crabbe," Draco leans back on his heels, gesturing for his childhood friend with a tilt of his head. "Come here."

"What?" Crabbe reluctantly lowers the large muffin from his lips.

"Do something for me. Talk to those Gryffindor girls and comment how terrible it looks for a Gryffindor to think they're worthy of a Slytherin."

"Why would I do that?"

"Just do as I say or I'll find someone who will!" Draco snaps impatiently, glaring with a draw of blonde brows. "Now go!"

Crabbe sighs, but does as told, moving away from where Goyle leans against the building of Honeydukes annoying younger passerby's. Draco watches as he struts over to the group of girls, mumbling as he reaches them. He only lingers for a few moments before he's returning.


"Said what you wanted."

"How did they react?"

"Like what you expected."


Draco watches them a few moments through calculated gray eyes before turning away. He scowls as you and Fred sit down on a bench, just talking and chatting, although much too close for his liking.

He has to nip this in the bud.


"Can you believe he's with a Slytherin?" Draco hears some young Gryffindor scoff as he enters the courtyard the following day. It's getting warm again, so he's dressing in his lighter school robes, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. Admittedly he's been attempting to look his best in case he gets to lay eyes upon you, but unfortunately you're avoiding him.

Today, however, is different.

Draco is tired after spending most the night chatting with his father through  the fireplace, his father's face created out of flames. There's some troublesome family business occurring, and though Draco used to think he wanted to know everything, he suddenly wishes he didn't.

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