The Weasley Conundrum

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Draco sits silently, brooding to himself in the courtyard. Crabbe and Goyle are off goofing around with each other, and for once he's glad to be free of the morons. They might be pure bloods, but that's all they have going for them.

The Yule Ball was one of the worst nights of Draco's life.

It's been three weeks, and you've done everything possible to get away from him. Somehow you manage to disappear during dinners, he never sees you pass through the commons room --- the only place you two share is charms class, and even then you manage to make him feel invisible.

It's depressing.

Worst part is even he's heard the rumors.

He's embarrassed.

It might not be a secret that he's been chasing after you for a good bit, Draco has never known how to be subtle. The fact you publicly snubbed him to dance with Harry Potter isn't helping his ego, and now this ---- a Weasley!?

Draco is humiliated.

A damned Weasley, hanging all over his girl, parading around the castle with her on his arm when it should be Draco's! How infuriating!

To be reasonable, Draco doesn't know if you're actually dating one of the red haired twins, or if that's just the rumor because you've been seen together. Not that it makes a difference, they would just be a rebound, considering the situation. There's no way you would actually lower your status to become involved with some wizard who's lowly father worked at the Ministry, anyhow! You're just doing it to be cruel to him!

Draco still isn't going to apologize, he did nothing wrong.

You, on the other hand, with your ridiculous actions and flippant attitude towards him, do. That's what he has decided, and that's how it's going to be. Until you apologize, he's not going to view you as any better then the mudblood-loving twins you're associating yourself with.


That's final.

That's how Draco feels about the whole Weasley Conundrum, as he's deigned to call it.


You giggle as you sit beside Fred and George in the courtyard, listening to them banter back and forth, finishing each others sentences and teasing. You like them because they make your laugh, and for a few moments you can forget the ridiculousness of your situation.

Fred had found you crying in a hallway after the Yule Ball disaster, and had been kind enough to stop and see if you were alright. You doubt he would have done so if you had not been seen with Harry, as most times Slytherins are ignored by others Houses. He'd said something funny, made you laugh despite your misery, and had been checking on you the past few weeks since.

He's nice, and you appreciate that.

Really, though, you should be studying, you're falling a little behind in charms. Draco is there, and he distracts you, despite how hard you attempt to ignore his very existence. You can feel those gray eyes on the back of your head as Flitwick teaches class, and he hovers every day at the door, as if waiting for you to approach him.

You'll never. After his behavior at the ball, you're not sure you ever want to speak to him again. Truly, he was unfairly rude towards you, but you'd known being seen with Potter would upset him. You're not normally one of those girls who likes to make boys jealous, but that had just happened to be the situation.

Draco confounds you. 

You're honestly not sure what he wants from you.

He doesn't want to be just friends, which is what you would prefer. You don't really know Draco Malfoy, really know him, as in what his likes and interests are, what foods he likes and doesn't, if he likes sleeping on Saturdays or getting up early. He doesn't know you either, and that's the problem; he doesn't even try! Other then your name, you don't know what interest he even has in you.

Draco Malfoy and the Yule Ball DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now