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You're nervous, incredibly so.

You're not sure how you should be handling the whole situation, after all. Two days ago, while kissing Draco of all people, an injured man had appeared quite literally out of thin air.

Who was he? Was he hurt? Why hadn't the Malfoy's made any mention of him? Why haven't you? Why are you pretending as if nothing is wrong, all polite smiles and nods? You owe the Malfoy's nothing, especially not Draco, so you should at least tell your parents!

Yet you haven't.

Draco hasn't spoken to you, not even at dinner and since Theodore has returned he's never alone. You notice his parents keep sending you looks, and you can't tell if they're curious or wary of you. You want to know what's going on, but honestly don't want to ask nor really know the answer.

So, when the holiday is almost over, when the next day you're to leave so as you can spend actual Christmas at home, you figure you'll never know anything about the situation.

You're packing your things away, your parents out at the moment. Narcissa and your mother have been hard to separate the entire visit, as if they're pinned at the hip. Your father and Yaxley seem to be getting along well, or your father is just telling your mother that so he can continue to hide in the library.

You sigh as you fold a sweater, tossing it into your bags. You hesitate as there's a knock on your door, biting your lip. Who could that possibly be?

You hesitate, glancing at your things before flicking your wand. After a moment the rest of your clothing begins to pack itself, a nifty spell your father finally taught you this week. There, now everything looks much neater.

You move towards the door tugging it open and blinking as you're greeted with black robes. You tilt your head back, tensing as you realize the master of the house, Lucius Malfoy, is standing before you. His white blonde hair is held back at his nape, his cane is held tightly in hand, and he looks as imposing as ever.

"Hello, Miss (Y/L/N)" Lucius greets coldly, his eyes flicking behind you.

"Mr.Malfoy, my parents aren't here," you shift your weight nervously, noticing Draco standing behind his father with crossed arms, looking uncomfortable. He's just looking at the floor, not giving you any notice at all, which immediately miffs you; did he feel awkward about the snogging? Did you not do something right?

"I am here to see you actually," the older Malfoy says, shaking his head, "May we come in?"

"Of course," you mutter, hastily stepping back out of the way; is this about the other night then? Surely Draco left out the part about  the snogging, that certainly couldn't be todays topic of conversation?

Your cheeks heat at the memory as Draco follows his father, and you feel a slice of guilt as you think of Fred, as if you've done something wrong. You and Fred made no plans, of course, he hasn't officially asked you out either.

"I want to thank you for not saying anything about our surprise guest the other evening ," Lucius Malfoy says after a moment, when the door is firmly shut and it's just the three of you. "I know it must have been quite a shock to have him apparate like that."

You hesitate, your eyes flicking to Draco before merely nodding, unsure what to say. Draco is looking at everything but you, his hands held tensely behind his back. He looks very uncomfortable and like he'd rather sink into the floor.

"I know this is a strange request, but it would be in all of our interests if you didn't mention it to anyone, not even your parents," Lucius continues and your eyes rise to his for the first time; you know he knows you at least haven't told your mother, for she would have already approached Narcissa with it. "Our guest would be most embarrassed."

Draco Malfoy and the Yule Ball DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now