Wormholed 2: The ModHaterz - @AngusEcrivain

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"Wormholed 2: The ModHaterz" originally appeared in Tevun-Krus #20: WattPunk

Wormholed 2: The ModHaterz

by AngusEcrivain


Angus - AngusEcrivain

Ash - ashiqtnt

Nika - Nika_Yaya


Vera - elveloy

Badass Preggers - parishsp

KD - krazydiamond

RobBrianDaveJim jobbee1234

Mad Mike - MadMikeMarsbergen

Dropsie - fallen_tear

Floating Head #1 - Alice_Iceflower

Floating Head #2 - CarolinaC

Floating Head #3 - SissaRomanova

With Special Guest Star

The Ape - TheOrangutan


Angus stared at Ash, not entirely sure he was able to believe what his good friend and cohort was telling him. It really didn't make too much sense but then again, the majority of what he knew really made very little sense indeed.

He fished in the depths of his sporran for a cigarette and when he found one he lit it, because it was a cigarette and that's generally the done thing. What I mean to say is that when one smokes and one finds a cigarette to, in fact, smoke, one would normally light it and smoke it.

As he did just that, drawing from the cigarette with every other intake of breath, he pondered the snippet of information that Ash insisted was the truth and the more he thought about it, the more he realised his good buddy was incredibly unlikely to tell him the whitest of all lies so there really was no way he was making this up.

"It's the truth, bruv," said Ash, earnestly. "As shit as it is, the ape's been grabbed."

He said not a word until he finished the cigarette and dropped it to the floor, stubbing it out with the toe of his purple size thirteen Doc Marten boot.

"Who grabbed him?" Angus asked, as if he really needed any kind of confirmation that the ModHaterz were responsible but he asked for clarification regardless. "The ModHaterz?"

"Aye," replied Ash, nodding. "S'my train of thought, anyways."

"Motherf..." Angus cut the word short, too angry to swear. That was pretty much the only way it was possible to tell how angry he was. If he didn't curse like a sailor he was pissed. "If it is the ModHaterz and to be fair I can't see anyone else having the balls to do it, then there ain't no way we can do this alone; there's far too many of 'em."

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