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"Xenia, is Ko Phi Phi rich?" Ann-Catherine asked as she stared at Gregory's mansion.

"He isn't poor," Xenia replied.

"Your man is filthy rich," screamed Louise strutting past the door where her voice echoed in the hall.

"Wow, Xenia, why didn't you tell us?" Gloria asked.

"I thought it wasn't important."

"But I was worried sick imagining you two taking up mortgages for a house or a car etc. I treated Ko Phi Phi, I mean Gregory like, oh my God, I'm so embarrassed, please apologize for me, Xenia," Ann-Catherine said.

"Gregory probably doesn't remember anything, mom."

Xenia tried to be reassuring, but she knew Gregory the computer remembered each word her mother ever pronounced in his presence.


"Isn't your day off? Don't you want to be at home?" Grace asked.

"Xenia has invited her mother and sisters to announce our baby. I don't think her mother has me tattooed in her heart," Gregory said with a sulky expression he only showed his sister.

"Oh, Gregory, you're not afraid of her mom, are you?"

"Well, the first time we met, I was half-naked coming out of her daughter's bedroom. The second time I was looking for Xenia after she broke off her engagement, I became the man who ruined Xenia's life. And the third time we met was because Xenia left me. Do you think her mother can appreciate me in some way?"

"Well, if you put it like that."

"And she keeps giving nicknames of blue bays," Gregory said, thinking about his Thailander nickname.

"I think she likes you. Nicknames are signs of affection."

"Hope you are right. I'll go back for tea time to check the temperature."


In the meantime, Xenia gave her family a grand tour of Gregory's mansion.

"Here's Sia's bedroom. You all have a bedroom each."

"Eh, Xenia, I think one room for the three of us is enough. We are only staying for two days."

"Madame, lunch is ready."

"Thank you, Maria."

"Jesus, did she just say madame?" Ann-Catherin asked while putting a hand on her chest.

"Xenia, okay, come clean. You have to tell us how did all this happen?"

"Alright, let's go to the dining room," Xenia showed the way.

Once all were seated, Xenia began, "one day, I came to work late."

Louise beamed, "skip that, get to the nitty-gritty."

"No, it's important, so there was this guy, an auditor. A very stuck up man, I swear I was going to kill Gregory at the time. To make things worse, he moved in across from me. I mean, I met him every single day both at work and at home," Xenia pursued.

"Yeah, I remember when I got in the lift with him. Oh, you witch, you didn't want me to get his number to keep him for yourself," Louise teased.

"No, we hated each other back then, and I didn't know he was this big shot."

"So?" Gloria pushed.

"So, like two months after Gregory arrived, we went to Aurelie's wedding."

"I remember that," Ann-Catherine added.

"And it just happened, then we broke up when I found out who he was."

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