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Since her last altercation with Mark, he disappeared. Xenia was surprised to see her phone buzz showing a number she had erased but knew of by heart. It was The Homewrecker, aka Sophia.

The message said she waited outside entrance B of Astoria. It was Xenia's lunchtime, and as usual, Niki picked her up.

"What is it?"

Xenia grimaced, "It's Sophia; she's here."

"Are you serious?"

"Yep," Xenia said as they stepped out of the lift to walk to the entrance.

Primed and perfect as always Sophia stood in Louboutin heels, Loewe bag, Carven dress. She didn't come in peace; the two women thought as they walked towards her. "Xenia, hi," she said with enthusiasm.

No one knew how to fake it better than Sophia. No surprise, the woman landed the job as executive PR for a big cosmetic brand. And speaking of aesthetic, her face was radiant like a L'oreal advert.

Sophia's gaze traveled up and down, "Niki, you are here too."

"Eh, is someone talking to me?" Niki asked Xenia before tilting her head to the side.

Sophia sneered, "you are so childish," she shifted her gaze to Xenia; I came to see you," she pursued.


"Listen, Mark was upset the last time. I mean, Sia is his child too."

Xenia pointed at herself and tapped, "no, Sophia, you are wrong. My daughter's name is N'Diaye; she is mine."

"Pleaasse," Niki added.

"He was depressed back then. You put a lot of pressure on him, Xenia."

Xenia wrinkled her nose in disgust, "weird depression, guess your bed was the remedy."

"Nasty, dirty people," Niki added, eyes glaring laser beams while she made a bridge of disapproval with her lips.

"Let's not go over that again. The man is heartbroken about the time he is missing with Sia."

"Sophia, please leave. You are talking so much bull my mind can't take it. I'm going to hurt you," Xenia stepped closer to Sophia, who backed away.

"Smash her face two," Niki added like a homie on yo mama while banging her fists together.

"You haven't changed, Xenia. That's why Markㅡ."

"Oh, shut up, Sophia, you two should be ashamed of playing victims trying to make me seem like some crazy bitch when it's you people played some Greek tragedy on me."

"Shut your friggin mouth," Niki said from behind Xenia's shoulders.

"Niki, how juvenile are you? Xenia, please can you shut down your echo."

"I'm gonna kill the bitch," Niki stepped forward and held back by Xenia.

"Can you stop waving your hand at me? I saw it, okay. I got the message. You didn't come to plea Mark's cause you came to show off that rock on your finger," Xenia said.

Niki sighed, "Oh, my lord, Sophia, you are such a bitch." Both women were shocked at the sight of the ring on the woman's finger.

Xenia understood what Mark tried to say when he explained he needed to talk and why he was eager to take Sia's legal action. Everything made sense. A wealthy married couple always looked better than the struggling single parent.


In the meantime, Gregory, Wendon, and Jaila, who were heading to lunch, found themselves spectators of the odd show.

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