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An early bird used to short nights and days that looked like weeks Gregory rose with the sun. Xenia still slept; he turned her on the side to stop her from snoring. Now she slept peacefully facing him, gorgeous Gregory thought.

Usually, he would have slipped away, but Xenia wasn't a one night stand to whom you left a note. He wanted to see her wake up, have breakfast with her if she permitted it. Gregory already accorded the woman a status above. The ball was on her side of the court. All that followed depended on Xenia.


Gregory's eyes roamed around the room; Oasis sat on a chair, staring at him with inquisitive eyes. How long was she there? Wondered Gregory, who hoped the cat wasn't a witness his foreplay with Xenia.


"Chut, your mistress, is sleeping. Cut her some slack; she had a rough night," Gregory whispered.


"Yes, I'll take care of her, I promise."

Oasis jumped off from the chair and left the room as if she was satisfied with his answer.

Gregory felt like everything was foreseen long ago. Wendon had asked him why he had made a last-minute change concerning his referent.

It was one of those things, an unexplainable phenomenon. Gregory's focus was on the notes he sent Wendon until the crashing sound of opening doors came to trouble him.

An employee, putting on her heels and crossing half of the room instead of quietly taking place at the back, disturbed him. He quickly clicked on the company's organizational chart to find out who she was. From the moment Xenia N'Diaye's name appeared on his screen, it was as clear as spring water. He wanted to know more.

A monotonous life filled with board meetings, business trips, and hotel rooms, Gregory was bored. He visited the world met people, women plenty, yet all left him tasteless, making him miss his military life.

Back then, his life was almost incompatible with a relationship. At least it was what he convinced himself. After the army, it was difficult for him to connect and relate to people, but Xenia, the woman, angered, annoyed, provoked him more than anyone else.

She was dangerously enticing; some people would say he was under the spell of exotism. Sure he had never been with a black woman, but he had never given it a thought or measured the probabilities of doing so.

Xenia's skin color didn't fascinate Gregory, though now under the morning light, he admired and touched the silkiness of her brown complexion, realizing he fancied everything about her. From the woman's, the tiny curls of her hair to the tattoo on her foot.

Every relationship ended the same way for Gregory; she would point out his lack of investment and that he was married to his job. On his side, the man would shake the relationship off, thinking it wasn't meant to be. The few women who accepted being with him were aware of his lifestyle. Therefore, he had nothing to reproach himself. Maybe it wouldn't be any different now, but it was Xenia Miss Unpredictable.

Vibrations that made mini waves on the bed pushed Gregory to search what it was. Xenia's phone had four missed calls; it vibrated again. The caller was:


"Xenia, Xenia," Gregory said, waking her up. Perhaps the matter was urgent.

"Good morning, Gregory."

Darn phone, thought Gregory, who would have gladly lingered in bed.

"Xenia, your phone keeps buzzing; it's your mom," Gregory said, handing over her phone.

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