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Gregory led Xenia to the dance floor.

"Can you dance, Gregory?"

The man gave a cocky corner smile, "I wouldn't have asked if I couldn't."

Gregory held Xenia's hand and placed the other on her naked back; his touch made the woman shudder.

"Sorry, my hands cold," Gregory said.

The man's hands weren't cold; on the contrary, they were warm, too warm. Gregory pulled Xenia close. Her head was just under his chin.

As the music's tempo speeded up, Gregory pulled her closer. Xenia practically breathed him as she inhaled the scent emanating from his collar. He smelled good; Xenia put her temporary infatuation on account of the three years spent without a man, of course being so close to one, an attractive one that had this effect on her.

Xenia's throbbing heart made her wish the music would stop. Gregory remained silent and focused, serious at all times; Xenia wondered what expression the man had now.

She lifted her head; his eyes shimmered emerald green and bored straight into hers like daggers. Xenia's gaze froze on his, had she dreamt Gregory's eyes were blue?

The woman only acknowledged the man's who stood before her existence and her own. Aurelie's wedding seemed like a mirage. The dream Xenia lived was far more enticing.

How come? Why I'm I only seeing you now? Xenia thought.

If someone told her she would slow dance with Gregory, and she would enjoy it, if not to say love it, at the present hour, Xenia would be in jail for committing homicide on the person who dared to suggest the idea.

Mark, Sophia, Niki, Malik, and the newlyweds watched how Xenia's dress swirled on the dance floor as Gregory led the way. Xenia had never danced like this, she didn't even know the steps, but she trusted Gregory. She could have moved her eyes closed and followed him to the moon and back, for this is where he was taking her.

The woman desired to stay there in his arms, but apart of Xenia suffocated by her emotions' combustion.

This isn't happening, Xenia; it will stop. Someone make it stop.

The Dj appeared to hear her plea as the song ended. Xenia broke away immediately and hurried off the dance floor to the toilet, leaving Gregory wondering what he had done wrong. The abandoned man walked off the floor, meeting Niki's gaze, who smiled before getting up and going to look for Xenia.

"Damn, you are really feeling that woman," said Malik, who joined Gregory at his table shortly after Niki's departure.

"I beg your pardon?" Gregory turned to face him.

A sly smile appeared on Malik's face, "Xenia, you fancy her. It's a shame she's a lesbian, though."

Fancy plus Xenia, Gregory never associated both words; he accepted her invitation, played the game, or was he?

They fought daily; this wedding was probably the first day where they didn't. Yes, Xenia fascinated Gregory in many ways, so could he like her, or did he already?

The woman filled Gregory's mind, but the man was subject to a form of denial at that instant.

Gregory knew the answer concerning his feelings, but he wasn't prepared to accept it yet.


"Xenia, are you okay?" Niki asked.

She found Xenia gripping the sink with both hands in a total trance in front of the toilet mirror.

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