twenty two [end]

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completely changed the ending from how i wanted it to be. 🤷🏻‍♀️

this is 2k words and i worked super hard on this so please enjoy it!! 💜


taehyung looked at the older girl, his vision became weird, his head hurt and he felt dizzy.

before he could even respond, he slowly fell to the ground, his eyes closing shut, he blacked out and darkness consumed him


taehyung slowly opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room. nobody seemed to be there, he sat up, trying to find out where he was.

he then realised, he was in a hospital. the boy looked down to his uncovered arms, seeing strange marks.

"what? but i thought they all were fading. they look new? i don't recognise some of these..." taehyung said to himself. questioning what was happening.

he looked to see his phone laying on a table, he weakly grabbed it and switched it on, looking at the date displayed on the lockscreen. september 8th.

"but i left jungkook's on the 10th? what's going on?" he said yet again to himself. even more confused them before.

taehyung placed his phone back and lied down. multiple thoughts running through his mind.

where's kookie and everyone else? what happened to them? did they leave me? how did i get here?

taehyung kept thinking to himself, confused about everything. he wondered what happened to him.

he looked down to the scars and bruises on his body, there were many. some were new, some were old. he never remembered getting any new bruises or scars.

suddenly, the door gently opened and two people came in.

"tAEHYUNG! OH MY GOD YOU'RE AWAKE! THANK GOD" one of the voices yelled as a boy made his way to the confused boy and hugged him. almost suffocating taehyung.

"j-" taehyung said before getting cut off by the other woman in the room.

"t-taehyung..y-you're finally awake" tears fell from her eyes as she made her way to the two boys.

"what happened? jimin, where are the others?" taehyung said questioning both his mom and jimin, still unsure of what was happening. jimin let go of the boy and spoke.

"well..we found you on a road not too far from your house and you fainted or something. there were new scars on you and you seemed pretty beat up. you've been like in a sort of coma for a while. and well, we didn't find you. jungkook did, he was walking around and saw you. he recognised you as one of the students in our class, he didn't know you but wanted to help and took you to the hospital. your dad was arrested not too long ago."

taehyung's eyes widened, the new information confused him even more.

"so...everything w-was a dream? it can't be! that means..." jungkook and i never got close and we never texted each other. taehyung thought to himself.

"what was a dream?" his mom said, the other two in the room were curious.

"i-i got close to j-jungkook and his friends were close with mine and dad was back. then a lot of things happened. i-it can't have been a dream. it felt to real!" the now crying boy said, struggling to keep his tears in.

"n-none of that happened...tae, i-i'm sorry. don't cry. sometimes we just have to face reality. tell us more about your dream." jimin said.

taehyung nodded and started talking about everything, embarrassed about some things, sad about other things and laughed at weird things that 'happened'.

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