1. From the Beginning

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Louis' P.O.V

I sighed at the computer screen, wishing that all those stories and videos were true. I really needed to stop torturing myself. But I couldn't help it. I must be a masochist - looking at the Tumblr blogs and Youtube videos dedicated to our 'bromance' Larry Stylinson. How I wished it to be real. I loved him. I knew I did. Yet I couldn't tell him. How was I supposed to say it? "Hey Harry - I've been in love with you for two years now and you're the reason I broke up with Eleanor. Just wanted you to know in case there was the smallest chance you feel the same." Yeah, that would go down really well. Not. I snorted derisively and closed the computer.

I wandered out of my room to the kitchen, in search of something to eat. Bingo. Sitting on the bench were chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of Harry earlier this morning. I bit into one, moaning as it hit my tastebuds. Harry was the best cook I knew - aside from my mum of course.

I continued to chew on the cookie absentmindedly, staring out the window at the typical London weather. It was raining, just like it was the day I realised I loved him.


We were all sitting around Liam's on a Saturday. It was too rainy to do anything but stay inside. Niall was complaining about being hungry, even though we'd only eaten maybe an hour before. Harry volunteered to make Niall something to eat, only if we could watch Love Actually afterwards. Liam and Zayn groaned, the result of seeing that movie one too many times. Niall readily agreed, nodding his head vigorously. Harry motioned for me to follow him. I got up from my place on the lounge and walked behind him into the kitchen.

"Feel like giving me a hand Boobear?" I sighed internally. This was going to be hard. I'd felt my feelings for Harry slowly change into something more, yet I wasn't ready to admit to myself - let alone anyone else. But it wasn't love. It couldn't be. I was bi, so sure, I'd had crushes on boys before. But I've never truly loved anyone.

I realised he was still waiting for an answer, so I nodded my head and grabbed the recipe book from the kitchen counter.

We ended up making chocolate chip cookies. Harry put the last batch in the oven while I cleaned up, very out of character for me. I wasn't ready to leave the kitchen - and Harry, but I didn't really know what to say, in case I accidentally slipped up and said something I'd regret.

His voice broke my concentration. "You've been really quiet Lou. Is everything alright?" I turned to the sound of his voice and jumped when I saw him standing right next to me, closer than I'd expected. His eyes seemed to draw me in, endless depths of emerald green. I swear I could stare at them for days and never get bored. They seemed to always change colour, anywhere from deep green to pale blue, depending on the light. His eyes were one of the things I loved most about him.

"See something you like?" he whispered, voice husky.

I blushed and looked away unwillingly. "N-No. I was just . . . thinking."

He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "You're too serious lately. You need some fun." And with that he took a handful of flour and tossed it over me, staining my black and white striped shirt and red pants with the white powder.

I gasped in mock horror. "Oh, no you didn't!" I reached behind me and grabbed an egg, swiftly breaking it on his head.

He grinned manically and declared war. The kitchen soon looked like a bomb had hit it. There were all sorts of foods everywhere, covering the walls, cupboards and ceiling. I crash tackled Harry to the floor, straddling him in the process, planning to tickle him into submission, when I got distracted again by his eyes. I stared at him for a few minuted and he gazed back with an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes. I moved in slightly and he tilted his head in response. Is this really going to happen? I thought, butterflies erupting in my stomach. Just before our lips touch, we're startled by someone clearing their throat. I looked up guiltily. Liam and Zayn were standing in the doorway. Zayn raising his eyebrow in question and Liam looked annoyed. No, pissed would be a better word. "What are you guys doing?! I thought you were cooking, not having a food fight! I just cleaned the kitchen this morning! Now I'll have to clean it - again!"

I hung my head in shame. "Sorry Liam. Really, I am. Haz and I will clean it up, promise."

We cleaned the kitchen after giving Niall his cookies as promised. But he wouldn't meet my eyes for the rest of the day. I knew something was wrong, but I also knew that I could no longer hide the fact that I was in love with Harry Edward Styles.


"Louis?" Liam's voice startled me out of my thoughts and I dropped the half-eaten cookie on the floor. I looked up at him, slightly annoyed. "You made me drop my cookie!"

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Lou. I actually just came by to check on you and make sure you're alright." His tone was soothing and full of concern. I didn't believe he was here 'just to check up' on me without there being some genuine problem. My thoughts immediately turned to Harry. Liam was the only one I'd confided in about my feelings for Harry, and he's usually the one who comforts me when he hooks up with some random slut at a bar or gets a new girlfriend - which is often. I narrowed my eyes in realisation. "What happened Liam?" I asked, enunciating my words clearly.

He wordlessly handed me a magazine, opened to an interview with Caroline Flack. I skimmed through it, heart stopping when I read that she had gotten back together with Harry. I felt Liam's arms wrap around me, but I felt numb inside. How could he go back to her, after the way she had treated him. He was heartbroken when she ended it, severing all contact with him. "Please tell me this is a joke Li." My voice was hoarse and cracked towards the end, a sign of the tears I was struggling to hold back.

Shaking his head, Liam only spoke three words, but those three words broke my heart. "I'm sorry Lou."

Author's note:

So this is my first fanfic, so it's probably really bad. Comment and let me know what you think :)

Btw, I don't hate Caroline Flack personally. But she fits into the storyline I've thought up :)

Lauren xx

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