First words

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  Mami had just got off of school and was walking to the baby sitters house to pick you. This had become a of her routine for the three months she had. Now you were half year old and were on the brink if saying a word.
   Arriving at the babysitter house she knick 3 times and here "I'm coming". A few seconds later the baby sitter opened the door with you in hand. After you were handed to Mami you shouted "Mommy" and pointed up at her. Let's just say that might had A lot of cake.


Today was not Sayaka's day. first hitomi just wouldn't shut up about 'him', and then her lunch got all over her uniform making her wear her gym uniform, then to top it all of her babysitter cancelled in the middle of the day.
   In the best run she could manage Sayaka run home and picked you. You were going to school with her.
In the middle of language arts you guys were studying mythic creatures and the mermaid was brought up. Liking the word you decided to say it "Mermaid". The while class looked at you as you clapped at the picture the teacher was showing while saying "mermaid". This bright Sayaka's day


  "No" you shouted "no" at a person trying to hurt your mother. She wasn't scared and never was and after words gave you apple sauce making you giggle and repeat "apple".


  You wouldn't stop crying the babysitter tried everything from feeding you to playing peekaboo. Nothing worked. Homura heard you crying from a block away and jogged to the house.
    Knocking frantically Homura was ready to break down the door. "I'm sorry for the baby's crying I'm trying to calm her down". "I don't care let me see my (Y/N)" Homura demanded looking over her shoulder. The babysitter ran over to grab you then rushed back. You calmed almost instantly upon seeing your mamma and shouted "MOMMY". Homura was so proud and happy it was the weekend


    Just a normal day. Your mom woke you up changed your nappy then dressed you. It was in the middle of breakfast your high chair was a mess but you looked at it as art. "Madoka, can you clean up the mess (Y/N) made" her father asked. This made you mad and scream "it's art". Nobody questioned your messes again.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this I have to write a lot to day but I will get it done starting with my RWBY scenarios so I will see you later.
Puppet out

Madoka magica Daughter scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now