Naming the little thing (you)

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   The women never did say your name so now Mami had to name you. She was looking at you as she walked to the hospital to see about your health. It was at times like these that she wished her mother instinct would kick in but nothing.
    Just as she was signing in to the hospital she saw a slot on the page that said child's name. She had just been answer the questions and didn't realized she wrote (Y/N). Looking at you and then the name she decide that it fit you perfectly.


   She named you in last chapter as a slip up but it suck so this was easy.


    "Ok what to named you" Kyoko asked as she sat on bench in her father's old church. "You get teased if I named you chocolate" she said blankly and stared you. Her mind ran through a list of names but none fit the only two she could think of were Pomme and (Y/N). "Naming you in French would be nice but I think (Y/N) is better for you" Kyoko finalized "plus who would name their kid apple in French".


   This day was already shaping to be fun. The P.E teacher told her to sit out and watch her newly adopted kid instead of doing what the other kids where doing. It was break time and every girl in there right mind were surrounding you and Homura
    "What's her name" one of the girl asked. "I don't know I haven't thought of one" Homura said looking at you.  She wanted to name you (Y/N) but wasn't sure. "I'm thinking (Y/N)" slipped out before she could stop it. "That's so cute" "yeah totally name her that" "That's so fitting" "I would name my kid that".
Looks like that your name


   The guy who gave Madoka the kid came over to hand over the supplies she need to take care of you. With the was a crib with your name on it, literally. Just "(Y/N)" craved it to it and out lined with (F/C) [favorite colour]. Madoka thought it was a pretty name and kept it.  Now you were (Y/N) Kaname.

   I feel like I copped out on some of them well second chapter down of six yeah I might not get to my daily chaps but I'll try. so I hope your enjoying this so far it is surprisingly easy to write well see you in the next chapter bye.
Puppet out

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