With Stephanie

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♫ Name

Stephanie. Most people call my Hunnay though, or something like that. Like Hunnananay. But those people suck eggs. cx

♫ Age

Umm, umm, umm. FOREVER SIX, BAABY!

♫ Gender

I got this. Mhhmm. Yeah. Umm, umm, male? I got that question wrong, didn't I? Female. cx

♫ What programs do you use?

I mainly use Paint Shop Pro x4, but I sometimes use Pixlr.

♫ What search sites do you usually use?

Same as most people's, weheartit, deviantart, Google, and pinterest. c:

♫ How long have you been on Wattpad?

Umm. Early Nov. '11

♫ How long have you been an artist/designer?

Artist? Umm. I draw. cx Designing? I've done it for awhile on Photoshop, then my laptop crashed. Then I came here and started making covers on Picnik, horrible, I know. I thought it looked pretty, which is pretty stupid because I actually used Photoshop before. But Photoshop back then was mainly for drawing&painting.

I'm rambling. 'kay. I started as a cover maker here like a week or so after I clicked that wonderful "Create Account" button. So a few months. I dunno. Six. cx

Oh. I was cover designing on Figment earlier, but I was like, banned. LOL. Copyright issues. I WAS NOT BREAKING COPYRIGHT RULES, but like, some people thought I was because my username was similar to this other girl's and thought that I was using the same watermark. Coincidentally, another issue on watermarks comes up HERE TOO. LOL. Stupid people.

♫ Any particular genre that you have always liked to work on?

Mystery<33 But no one ever wants mystery covers. ;______;

♫ Share your first ever artist job.

I'm not going into details, but here's the horrible attempt at my first cover. cx

♫ Share one of your most fulfilling moments as an artist here in Wattpad

So this one girl asked me for a cover, two actually, and was VERY polite, and even went so far to advertise my name around afterwards. cx Cool. 

Oh. And there was this one time where the girl was, like, skimping on her form, so I drew, BADLY, her cover. cx It was okay, because I actually knew her, like a friend though. LOL. Don't worry, I made an actual cover for it too, but she, like, disappeared after that. ;______;

♫ Share one of your most depressing moments as an artist here in Wattpad

Ohohoho. I have tons of stories. This one girl tried to like, actually claim my work as hers. Not pretty. Umm, this other one girl, let's nickname her ABC, totally ripped off ideas from me and my friends. And she even threatened to kill herself if we didn't stopped yelling at her. But we started yelling at her because she started yelling at use first. Anger issues! And this girl becomes another major disturbance to me later on. 

But we'll get to that later. First up are people who continually pester me about their covers. I'm not like those who make covers in thirty seconds so CALM THEM MANBOOBS. The girl, ABC, was also one of them. c: 

MOVING ON TO MORE ABC STORIES. ABC totally ripped our ideas, then comes saying that her ideas are completely HERS ONLY. I would totally love to cuss her out, but then Moderators would see. cx And then, a little while later, she comes out saying that I'm a horrible person and makes this whole announcement about it on her message boards and everything that they shouldn't request from me. The reason? My internet was down so I could make her cover. Cool. Luckily, she deleted her account sometime in February. Why? She said we kept bothering her. She was bothering us though. 

♫What do YOU want to share to our readers?

Don't be a d****ebag. It's the cover makers who are doing YOU a favor, not the other way around.

♫ Any last words?

Umm. Chicken. cx 

Go check out my book, Intertwine: The Puppet. It sucks, so help me improve! cx

Oh. Photobucket album. Flip through the pages, stay away from the end. cx

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Interview with the Wattpad ArtistsWhere stories live. Discover now