With Syifaa

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♫ Name:

Most people who knew me already know so my name is Syifaa

♫ Age

Fourteen (this coming August)

♫ Gender


♫ What programs do you use?

once I used pixlr and what is the name of that thing again...I can't remember...but it is the program most people used before it was closed last year...I used it for changing hair/eye colours :3 now I just use GIMP ^^

♫ What search sites do you usually use?

I use Google Image, weheartit and deviantART

♫ How long have you been on Wattpad?

I used to have several accounts before this one so it have been a year and eight months if I'm not wrong

♫ How long have you been an artist/designer?

ah...let see.... about nine months, I guess

♫ Share your first ever artist job.

it's not beautiful or anything, haha, but here. it's not my first, second actually. I lost the first one: http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l524/xxInNoCeNtxXxpUrExx/apple2.jpg

♫ Share one of your most fulfilling moments as an artist here in Wattpad

The only thing I can remember is spamming, lol. And let see, I've met many crazy people....both requester and makers. Then I have gained some experience which is good, hehe. I guess that's all...

♫ Share one of your most depressing moments as an artist here in Wattpad

I can't remember..oh wait, here's one. Once, I am in a cover/banner thread. It was all perfect except that the thread designer put her examples more than the other members (including me) :( And all requests went to her :( I won't say her name here though...

 ♫What do YOU want to share to our readers?

To all readers, please follow all the rules when you want a cover/banner. And please give dedications/fan or something for the makers. It's not easy to make a cover/banner you know. I mean, you have to find the right pics, then have to find the right fonts and colours. I hope you understand. Anyway, don't forget to have fun in life :D (random, I know)

♫ Any last words?

May the boys (or anyone you like) be in your favor ;)

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