Chapter II

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Monday morning had arrived, and it had arrived too soon.

Megan was up in 'good-ole' Kentucky visiting an aunt who she had never heard about before the weekend, and had just arrived back in state this morning. In response to this, I had spent the majority of my weekend boarded up in my room, finishing a week old project that I had managed to avoid until the last possible second.

I rolled out of bed and padded across my room to my closet. I dug around for a bit before finding a cute top to pair with some jeans and quickly changed. I had decided not to go get a bunch of new clothes before school started for some reason, and my closet was looking a little depressing. Only well-worn shirts hung in it, and I was in need of a pair of not ripped jeans that I could wear to somewhat formal events. I frowned, my thoughts still on my gloomy closet, and decided that I would round Megan up and drag her with me to the mall this weekend to shop. She wasn't the biggest fan of shopping - she would come along if I asked her too - but it wasn't one of her favorite things to do, and she often complained about how much useless junk she bought when shopping with me.

After I had finished putting on my makeup, I looked up into my mirror and smiled at myself absentmindedly, picturing the look Megan would undoubtedly make when I told her my plans for the weekend. We had been best friends for almost two years now, and although people often criticized us for being too close when we hadn't known each other our whole lives, Megan had been there for me more than any of my friends I had known since I was little, and that was more important to me than the amount of time we had known each other.

I clambered down the stairs, my book bag swinging recklessly over the one shoulder it was on, wincing at the weight of it. My project had required more books than I had realized it would, and determined 'ole me had managed to fit all of them inside the bag after several attempts, pridefully boasting about it to my Mom. What I had not taken into account was how heavy it would be with all those books inside of it.

I grabbed a bagel and cream cheese on my way out the door, stuffing an insulated water bottle inot my overflowing side pocket of my bookbag. Yelling a goodbye to my Mom somewhere in the house, I walked outside. My car was waiting for me in the driveway, sitting there patiently and sexily as ever. I had gotten my license right over half a year ago, but I had been driving my Dad's beat up Honda Accord until last week. The Honda's brakes had barely worked, the left taillight frequently burnt out, and both of the back windows were broken and were permanently stuck rolled up. And to add to that, it was a miserable, dull grey color that was so faded that it had turned a sickly green. My car, in comparison, was a jet black Audi RS 7, with fully functional brakes and only one small ding in the front seat passenger door. I had been saving for this car for years now, and had finally found one at a dealer that was reduced to half the price because it was used and had that small dent. The previous owners of it had only had it for roughly six and half months before they had sold it to the lot. It was my dream car.

I slid into the driver's seat after tossing my bag in the back and made my way to school.

Pulling up next to Megan in the parking lot, I glanced over to see her jamming out to a song inside of her car. Blonde hair swinging wildly, her body swaying, and her lips moving so fast I could not read them, I assumed she was listening to a good song and chuckled to myself. I hit my steering wheel hard, causing my loud horn to blare, startling her. She jumped, and looked out of both her windows twice before finally recognizing me in my new car. Before she started to get out of her car, she narrowed her eyes and held up a not so nice finger to me. I laughed and went got out to meet her.

"Hey girl," she called, sauntering over to my me.

"How was the aunt?" I asked, genuinely curious. I had never heard Megan talk about this aunt, and by the way Megan had sounded on the phone when she had first told me she was going to visit her, neither had she.

"Dreadful. Just, dreadful. Did you know there is such an accent that combines a Southern accent and a Boston one?"

I laughed, not surprised she would ask me this kind of a question. "No, I did not."

"Well there is, and aunt Flora has it."

I shook my head, still laughing, and began to walk inside as she lapsed into the whole weekend's events with great detail. Apparently, aunt Flora had lived in Boston for her entire life up until five years ago when she went through a nasty divorce. She had two kids, which were both only a couple years older than Megan, and total brats. Aunt Flora and Megan's mom did not get along as kids but were now acting like lifelong friends, which is why Megan had heard not even whispers of an aunt Flora until this spur of the moment trip.

As we were walking through the halls, I was ran into from behind and I lost my balance. I pitched forward into the oncoming lane of high schoolers and was caught by a strong pair of hands.

"Woah there," a voice spoke from above me. I followed the arms up and saw the boy who was holding me was the one who had spoken, and I felt my face heat up. He was the brown-haired boy from the diner last night. The bright hallway lights allowed me to see what I hadn't the night before. He was good looking, as I had assumed by the way he held himself as he walked into the diner, but more so than I had previously realized. He had dark brown hair that was slightly curling in the front and looked so soft I was tempted to reach up and run my hands through it. "Falling for me so soon, angel?"

I blinked, his words registering with me slowly, "I don't even know you."

A smirk broke out on his lips, and he tilted his head as he looked down at me with curious eyes. "Wouldn't you like to?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but I was kicked in the shin, causing me to fall into him more. My head hit his chest, and hooked my arms around his shoulders to keep from hitting the floor. His soft hands grabbed my elbows, pulling me up, and I wrapped my hands around his forearms to stabilize myself. He took a sharp breath in when my hands connected to his warm skin, and I met his eyes again.

"Your hands are freezing cold," he breathed, his smirk dropping, his gaze making me want to squirm. It was weird how his stare made me blush.

"They always are," I said quietly, not breaking the eye contact he was holding so intensely. Then, noticing the position we were in, I blushed even more furiously. I took my hands away from him, straightened my book bag, and looked back up at him shyly. "Thanks for that"

"Anytime, angel," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked off, my head spinning. Megan was waiting for me at my locker up ahead, and her eyes widened as I neared her. 

"What was all that about?" She demanded, and I smiled and shook my head. She groaned. "Don't say nothing, I saw the way you looked at him."

"Oh?" I remarked. "How did I look at him?"

"Like you had just fallen into the arms of a God, duh."

I shook my head, smiling at her. "I don't even know him."

"Yes, you do. He was at the diner on Friday."

"Oh. I didn't even notice," I said, faking innocence.

"Yes, yes you definitely did," she shot back. She narrowed her eyes at me, catching me in my lie.

I raised my hands defensively. "So what, I forgot about the cute guys at the diner? Sue me."

She laughed, and we began our trek to first hour.

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