Never Give Up

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Chapter 14

After the school year was finally over. Hermione went back to her muggle home in London. She spent as much time with her parents as possible, as she didn't know what was around the corner. She made a pledge to Harry, that she was accompany him on his search for the Horcruxes and she stood by that promise.

Even though it had only been a month. Her memories of Severus were growing thin. Due to everything she had going on with Harry and The Order, she barely thought of him at all. She liked it that way. Every vision of him wounded her. She was sick of trying to avoid her love for him. But it was like he was a stranger to her now, a different person.

She had just received a letter and the Daily Prophet by owl from Ron. The letter was in code but she could easily make it out. It contained acceptance that she was welcome at The Burrow, whenever she was ready. From the Daily Prophet, it published a new article every day. About Muggleborn families, being killed by Death Eaters and today was no different.


It was the start of the new year; January. Harry joined Hermione in the corridor and caught her up on what had happened over Christmas. How the Death Eaters burnt down The Burrow for fun. He also handed her the Daily Prophet, she had been eager to read for weeks. One particular article had struck her attention. It was about the Death Eaters beginning to torture and kill, innocent Muggleborn families.

She ran her hands over the story. Knowing that her life as well as her parents, were all in danger. They would soon be targeted and something had to be done. She had to protect them somehow. She had to keep them safe, or the death eaters would come after them too.

So Hermione made a decision. A decision, no one in their right minds would ever want to make. But she was forced too. If she didn't do anything, then they would die. Hermione didn't want that on her conscience, when she knew the problem could be solved.

When they weren't looking. Hermione secretly cast a false memory charm on both of her parents. She made them believe that they were called Wendell and Monica Wilkins, a couple who had a desire to move to Australia.

Throughout this act of bravery. Her sobs where sternly held In, as she cast the charm. With only her small beaded purse in hand. She fled her family home and didn't look back. It pained her to think about what she had just done. It was like she was gradually losing the people she loved, one by one.


Severus looked at the mirror, but it wasn't him he was staring at. It was a murderer, or so he felt. It was a cruel bastard that killed his own mentor and tortured so many innocent people, under the instructions of the Dark Lord. Everyone in the wizarding world would be against him. Every single witch and wizard would tell to their grandchildren. The story of the outcast that killed the greatest wizard of all time.

Except Hermione, his mind drifted to her soft expression. Full of compassion and understanding. She wouldn't hate him. She would fight by his side until the end and that was the only thought that kept him sane so far. But the war was on, people had been killed and many more were to follow. War doesn't make exceptions. He had to play his part in order to give Potter the chance to kill the Dark Lord.

Still staring at the mirror in front of him. He left those thoughts behind and after some minutes, he composed himself. Exiting the bathroom, Severus felt a soaring pain on his arm. His tattoo burned his skin as if it were on fire. That only meant one thing. That the dark lord was summoning him. For news on the whereabouts of Harry Potter. He left as soon as he got the calling. To attend the next mission for his master.

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