Chapter 10

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She shoved me away and stepped back she bumped into someone, when she did chains clashing against one and other sounded, she jumped slightly out of the shock of feeling a presence behind her, to me it was just a black blur and when she went to turn around it had already disappeared. "W-what was that?" She expressed shocked when she looked at me. I didn't speak I just looked at the spot where that weird figure stood, I gulped slightly and clenched my fist. "I have no idea what on earth that was." I looked over at her.

"....Anyways I have to go home...." I nodded gently and began walking back to my home and I felt her grab on my arm, stoping me from leaving. I look back at her my eyebrows raised as I walk back to her. "What?" She was looking down, "I don't want to walk home alone, I'm afraid, of what ever that was." I chuckled slightly, even though I was afraid of it to I try not show it because I want to be strong for her. "Okay I'll walk you home." She smiled slightly and she walked in front of me as I followed her trying to process what the hell that thing was. "You know that probably was just something straight out of our imagination."

"Out of BOTH our imaginations? Two different minds, seeing the same hallucination?" I walk up next to her. "If once when we were younger, our minds could have been connected, whats so wrong with our minds being connected now?" I saw the small half smile creeping up in her face and I nudge her. "Just relax, it was probably our imagination.." She didn't look at me she just looked at her feet as she walked. "How could two people think, and see the same thing when it was in their imagination?" I take a deep breath and I shrugged. "Maybe we were meant for each other?" She looked at me with a face that said 'Seriously?' in a mocking kind of way not a realization kind of way of course.

I shrugged and raised my hands as if to say 'My bad.' from that point on we walked in silence not really directing a word to each other but silence usually spoke for itself, we were both thinking if that thing was really our imagination or something that was actually there. We reach her front porch she says goodbye to me and she walks into her home, her parents greeting her with a warm hello, they wave at me and I politely wave back to them and then we move on to walk to my home.

I couldn't get that blurry, black figure out of my mind as I walked away from Leslie's home and city. As I walk through the woods I can' help but try and recall where I have seen this figure. "....Jess...." I heard a whisper say in a rushing by bass. I shivered and looked around to see what that was, I swear I'm going insane. "What the hell?!" I take a deep breath and I walk, as the blur rushed past me, chain clanking and crashing against one and other making that hair standing creepy sound of chains being dragged. ".... I'm right here...." The whisper said once more. At the moment I realized where it came from, it was that blur.

The breath has been drawn out of my lungs when I realize this, I was shocked, I know who it is, or what it is. I feel my heart at my throat now, how could this be possible he was just supposed to be a figment of my Imagination, I couldn't understand where he came from. He once more stepped by me passing, though he was looking straight at me with those cold looking red eyes I saw his lips moving saying "you created me Jess..." I looked at where he went, I couldn't make out words, this was impossible, this couldn't be, this wasn't possible. My brain couldn't make out anything.

I was now just looking around, looking for that figure, I could only see him running past me, or away from me, I was beginning to get dizzy as I felt, IT grip me and, it was humming a lullaby as if he was rocking me to sleep, I slipped out of consciousness and then my eyes just shut and I was out.

I think I was out for a while when my father found me, I wasn't that far away from the bridge. I looked at him my eyes widening as I sat up and slid away from him as I sat up looking around. "Jess?" I looked at him I was in shock, he was looking at me strange, as if I was insane. "I'm sorry dad, I don't know what happened..." He looked at me and helped me up. "I knew I would find you here. Where have you been since yesterday, I hadn't seen you after school, I told you, you were grounded, you are not supposed to leave the house without my permission, you go to school, come back, not go off and don't come home!" I hated being given a lecture in the middle of the woods I rolled my eyes at him then I walked passed him not saying a word jus trying to think if anything that happened yesterday was real or not.

"Jess Aarons ARE you listening to me." I clenched my fist and turned around. "GOD YES I AM STOP YAMERING I GET IT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I sighed deeply and started running back home I ran as fast as I could away from him, I was so tired of my after I just wanted to get away from him, but I couldn't not until I turn 18, just two more years, just two more years. I got home walked in, I sneezed and I walked up the stairs and layer on my bed, my throat felt itchy, the room was cold, and i could swear I had a fever. Apparently when May Belle came in to heck on me I was burning up. My father did't come up to see me, mom brought me my food, but I wasn't in the mood to eat at all.

I curled up into a ball and shut my eyes, I was out for the rest of the day, I could barely move, the next day I was wide awake, I still felt like crap but I got up got dressed and went to school I had missed out the previous day. Janice was on the bus and I sat next to her as I always do, when I sat down, she didn't even look at me. "Janice?" She didn't answer. "Can you please just talk to me... Your my friend and I need you." she looked at me anger was flooding her eyes I could see it. "You need me? You have HER because apparently I wasn't good enough of a friend for you to have told me that you found her again! Am I that un important next to her for you? I felt you that you were a little distant these couple of day and when I saw her out on that running field I knew, I just knew you had found her! Now that she's back, I'm nothing to you now aren't i?!"

I didn't know what to say I never noticed that I was getting away from Janice, i wasn't trying that. I guess she get it though, she sensed everything. I couldn't help it I felt Janice was slipping away from me, my only friend was slowly slipping away, before I knew it I was hugging her tightly against my chest. "Don't do this Janice, you are my only friend and I love you. I'm sorry i can't respond to your feelings but its just, your like my older sister I can't love you or see you that way." Janice hugged me back and buried her face into my fest then I felt warmth seeping through my shirt, she was crying. I held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. "I love you Janice..." Janice spoke in a muffled voice still face first on my shirt. "i love you to Jess."

The bus came to a stop and we got down Janice eyes were red and puffy, and her nose was also red, she held my hand tightly. "Janice... My hand." She looked at me with these two brown pleading eyes. "Let me hold it, just for a little while." I half smiled and let her be up until we got into the school building, the bus had gotten us to the school a little late and as soon as we walked into the building the bell rang, she hugged me goodbye and we went our separate ways to our classrooms.

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