Chapter 1

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My name is Jess Aarons, its been 6 years since my best friend Leslie Burke died. Every day I miss her even more, she was someone who understood me. Though now she is in a better place and even though I miss her terribly she is in a better place.

So I'm 16 now and I'm in High School, life is no better for me, I still live in the same place with my family me and May Belle still go to our so called "Terabithia" just to remember Leslie. Me and Janice actually became really good friends, she isn't my BEST friend, just a really good friend.

It was after school I was helping out Ms. Edmunds who had now turned into Mrs. Lawrance she had married a musician who has his own karaoke place and what not, I took her boxes to her car then went my way to my house I jogged to my house it was good exercise and good training since now I was on a team I have won 4 bronze, two silvers, next week I'm going for the gold.

So I'm walking in to my house I say hi to my family then go to my room I start sketching and I'm starting a bucket list, the first one one there I want to go scuba diving like Leslie wrote on her essay just to see if anything that she wrote was true. I then stood up changed my clothe and went for another jog May Belle came with me so I had to slow down and keep up at her speed.

We went to downtown to where Janice worked we walked in and she smiled when she saw us. "Oh hey guys whats up?" we walked in I hadn't broken a sweat and May Belle she was panting like a mother. "Oh we were just out for a jog, can you give May Belle some water?" I chuckled and she nodded getting a bottle of water and handed it to May Belle.

"So what are you planing to do today?" Janice said while taking a sip of a soda she brought for her self. "We should go to Terabithia Jess!" I looked at my sister and raised my eyebrow, Janice looked extremely confused. "Terabithia?"

"Its where Leslie died..." Janice looked at me still with that confused look on her face. "Why would you go there? Why is it called Terabithia?" May Belle sighed slightly and spoke. "Its a place Jess and Leslie made up before she died, They were the King and The queen, and I'm the princess... Jess made a bridge so we could cross over to Terabithia."

Janice looked confused still then looked back at me. "Why will you go there?" I sat down and looked at her. "Every time a year passes after Leslie's death I go there with a drawing of her, maybe of how would she look, by now and put it on a small raft and send it down the river." Janice's look of confusing was finally whipped off her face and nodded. "Can I go?"

May Belled glared slightly. "Terabithia is made only for me, Jess and Leslie." I looked at May Belle and smacked her slightly and softly on the shoulder. "Terabithia isn't real!" I looked back at Janice and smiled. "Sure you can go Janice."

She smiled stood up we waited till the end of her shift then we left walking back to my house we went inside I grabbed the drawing I made of Leslie, I just shifted her looks into a more woman like she looked beautiful as always I smiled. Then went out side where Janice and May Belle waited for me, May Belle was holding the raft we made, we then tied the drawing to the raft and we began walking over to Terabithia. We were walking and talking about Leslie and how she could light up a room with her smile.

"I don't know how she could be so nice to people. Like me, I was always such a jerk to her and she still talked to me as if I did nothing to her." I smiled slightly recalling the moment I told Leslie to talk to Janice in the girls bathroom. "She always kept her mid WIDE open she saw people with kind eyes no matter who they were." We finally got to the bridge that I built after Leslie died, Janice looked baffled. "YOU made this Jess... When you were 10?!" I chuckled slightly and scratched the back of my head and nodded. "Yeah I did..." We walked over to the river and placed the raft in the current and watched it float away. It hurt me every time to watch a drawing of her I never got to see the woman she became, SHE didn't get to see the woman she became."

We stood up and we left to my house we walked Janice to the road and she waved good bye and so did we. Me and May Belle went back inside then we went to our room and just didn't talk for the rest of the day it was usually like this for us on the day of Leslie's death we stop talking to each other. I grabbed my sketch pad and started working on the drawing for next year it became night. I looked out to the stars and stood up got dressed and climbed out of my window I always did this on this day I needed my private closure every year, though I never really do Leslie will always be a wild though dancing though my memories.

I ran to our wonderful "Terabithia" I went there and knelt down near the river stared at it and tears rushed down my face I took a deep breath and heard steps coming from the bridge and then a female voice. "Are you okay?" I shot up to my feet and saw HER Leslie her face glistering in the moon light that sunk in through the trees, I was perplexed by this, words didn't escape my mouth, it just hung open. Her hair reached the lower half of her back I couldn't believe it.

It all made sense they only found her blood but never her body, It COULD be her. The only thing I could manage to choke out was "Leslie...."

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