Becoming A Better Muslim

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Inshallah we will all become better Muslims every day. I myself am not a very good Muslim but inshallah I will become closer to Allah SWT each and every day.

Remember! Islam is perfect. But Muslims aren't so if I make a mistake, blame me not my religion (credits go to Crazy_lollipop_lover )

Okay so I want to give mini tasks for everyone to do to become a better Muslim.


1. Stop watching TV

2. Stop watching videos/films/movies

3. Stop going to the cinema

4. Stop listening to music

5. Read a para of Qur'an everyday

6. Wear Hijab when you outside

7. Wear Hijab in house

8. Wear burka when you go outside (not mandatory but dont wear tight fitted clothes)

More will be updated later

Do not do all of these in one go, you can take your time

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