[29.] Leonard

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A/N: Hi guys! I found more time to update early! Yay! *throws confetti* I'm seriously SO excited about this chapter; I hope you all enjoy it! This one is for Katelyn, who drew the wonderful picture to the side as well as the ones in the links below. Thank you so much for being such a fantabulous person, sweetie! <3 (This is also partially for Alexis, who threatened to murder me if I was too slow in posting the chapter. Love you babe.)



[29] Leonard

            “Psst. Catherine.”

            I stirred, but did not open my eyes.

            “Psst. CATHERINE.”

            Still, I refused to respond.


            I gasped and sat upright as droplets of freezing cold water hit my face. Astrid loomed over me, grinning her crazy Chesire cat grin.

            “Mornin’ lass,” she giggled, tucking her obstreperous tendrils behind her ears.

            I stared at her, still trying to process what was going on. I wasn’t exactly quick on my feet in the mornings. She held an open water bottle in her hand, and from the thin layer of moisture coating the plastic, it was evident that it had just been removed from the fridge, chilled and ready to be drunk.

            “You little-!” I snarled, throwing a pillow at her. She continued to laugh at me.

            “Wha’?” she cried in defense. “You weren’ wakin’ up!”

            “Conniving little…” I muttered to myself, swinging my legs over the bed and running my fingers through my hair.

            “Stop bein’ such a sourpuss,” Astrid shot back as she threw more water on me. I gaped and blinked wildly.

            “How dare you,” I growled.

            “WAKE UP, CATHERINE!” she shouted in my ear before collapsing into another fit of mirth.

            I swung around, brought my good hand up to her chest, and gave her a good shove.

            “Ohoho!” she guffawed. “Playful, aren’ we?”

            “Argh!” I barked, lunging at her again. She dodged me and, instead of merely flicking droplets of water onto my face, dumped a quarter of the bottle over my head. I let out a short shriek as the frigid liquid rolled through my messy tresses and down my shirt. Suddenly feeling more impish than provoked, I reached for the fridge and pulled out my own water bottle.

            “Oh it’s on, sister,” I murmured, narrowing my eyes.

            Astrid yelped and tried to roll away, but she was stopped by her knee. I took the opportunity to throw water on her. She snickered and returned the favor. Soon, we were both almost out of water and our clothes were pretty much soaked through.

            “I win,” she declared triumphantly.

            “Pssh, no way,” I countered. “You’re more wet than I am.”

You Can't Be Too Careful [Star Trek/Leonard &quot;Bones&quot; McCoy Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now