Toilet Paper Fort

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I was standing backstage listening to why don't we perform nobody gotta know. I was singing and dancing along with Logan. Once they finished all of the guys went to the outside of the stage leaving Daniel in the middle. I was confused because they normally went right into their song free after this. I was looking at the guys with a confused look on my face. They all just look back with a smile before turning around. Soon Daniel talks into his microphone.

D: "so even though we just sang nobody gotta know there is something that I kind of want everyone to know" I looked at Logan who looked at me and we both didn't know what was going on. The crowd cheered louder.
D: "Kirstin can you come up here" he said looking back at me. I had no idea what was going on. I hear the crowd get louder and they hand me a mic as I walk on stage. Daniel walked over to me and put his arm loosely around my shoulders. What in the world is this kid doing. He looked at me before speaking.
D: "this girl right here is pretty special, even though we only met two weeks ago I really like her" there was a unison of awwws in the crowd as my face got red. Turning my face away from the mic I said quietly.
K: "what are you doing"
D: "you'll see" he whispers
D: "well let's see how this goes" he takes a deep breath. I'm looking at all the boys and they all have this weird creepy smile on my face.
D: "Kit I know it's only been two weeks but I already feel something between us so I was wondering" he pauses. I can't even imagine how red my face is
D: "will you be my girlfriend" cheers erupt through the stadium. I stand there looking at Daniel and keep smiling. Once it quieted down I spoke.
K: "yes" I say we both drop our mics and hug. He pulls back and leans his head closer to mine.

I suddenly jolt awake. It was a dream. Of course. I try to figure out my surroundings. I realized I was facing the couch and burritoed in a blanket. I turn over to get more comfortable and thump. Next thing I know I'm on the ground.
K: "ow" I groan. All the boys wake up and giggle tiredly. I soon came to the realization that I was stuck in my blankets. I look at Corbyn who is laughing at me trying to get unstuck.
K: "help please" I give him my puppy dog eyes.
C: "oh my god" he said in his early raspy voice
K: "oo nice voice it's sexy" I say winking
L: "oi stop that"
K: "dude chill, I wouldn't do that to Christina
L: "oh yeah forgot about her" we all laughed as Corbyn helped me up.

I walked to the "kitchen" I say that because I wouldn't really call it a kitchen it's to small. I looked through the fridge and cabinets but we didn't have a lot of food.
K: "we need food"
J: "yeah we will be there soon and then we can go get food" I nod and we start getting ready. Trying to get 5 guys and one girl ready in tight spaces is hard. (Logan wasn't going). Everyone was trying to get ready in one place and it was no bueno. I took my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I gave up after a few minutes because the bathroom was to small and people kept knocking on the door telling me to hurry up. I walk out with jean shorts and a bra getting ready to put my shirt on. As soon as I walk out all of the boys immediately turn around to face away from me.
L: "Kit come on put on a shirt" I look around and all of the boys were not wearing shirts. I motion to all of the boys.
L: "that's different we are guys" I roll my eyes and put my shirt on.
K: "you can turn around now don't worry you can no longer see part of my boobs" I say sarcastically they all turn around red faced and continued getting ready. We got there and pulled into a Walmart parking lot. Since it was like 7:00 am and no other place was open. We all hop out of the bus and go inside. As soon as we get in there I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

K: "let's make a toilet paper fort"
C: "what's that" they all nodded
K: "you guys have never built a toilet paper fort before"
J: "nope" I put a shocked expression on my face and pull their arms so they would follow me. I try to explain it as best as possible to them while we walk there. I start moving toilet paper around with Corbyn and Jack as Jonah, Daniel, and Zach got decorations. We finished moving the toilet paper and added our decorations.
(If you don't know what I'm talking about)

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