Preference #39 you're the lead in play and he promises to be there, but isn't

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 He's your brother and you’re the lead in a musical/play and he promises to be there, but isn’t (age 15)

Ashton: As soon as you stepped on stage and found your parents in the crowd, your face fell. The seat next to your mom was empty, it was supposed to be Ashton’s seat. Your emotions through the entire production were numbed and when the final curtain closed you ran backstage. “I wanna go home,” you huffed with tears in your eyes. Your mom hugged you, but you just pushed away and ran out to the car. Ashton promised, he even called the night before to assure you he was coming. At home, you angrily scrubbed your make up off and crawled into bed, facing the wall. Someone came in and sat on your bed, putting a hand on your back. “You promised. I waited… it’s not fair,” you spat at Ashton. You knew it was him. “Y/N you have every right to hate me. I’m so sorry, I knew how much this meant to you. Sorry doesn’t even cut it,” he said with sadness. “You even called,” you sniffled. “The boys and I had a last minute shoot..” Rolling your eyes, you pulled the covers up to your chin. “Goodnight Y/N. I’m sorry,” Ashton kissed your head and left.

Michael: You would’ve rather gone and performed, hoping Michael would be there, instead of your parents telling you before the show. The whole time you performed you had tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat. Michael promised to be there weeks in advance, but a 5SOS thing crushed those chances. During intermission all of your cast mates kept asking if you were okay and you assured them with a fake smile. The show thankfully ended and you went into the dressing room, just sitting at the table with your head in your hands. “Y/N.. I came as soon as I could…” Michael hesitantly walked into the room and towards you. “It’s too late for that..” you plainly responded. “You’re scaring me. Yell, cry, scream at me. Do something,” your brother pleaded. “I used all my energy in the show,” you scowled and walked out the door. He cursed under his breath and kicked your chair.

Honestly, you could care less if your brother came to see you play the lead in your school play. Or that’s what everyone thought. You were quite bitter about it, which was evident in your attitude that night. He promised to come see you and spend the weekend at home, the promise was easily broken. “Hey Y/N. Wanna go out to eat with us?” a boy from the production smiled at you and you just frowned. “No, sorry.” You got a ride home from a friend (your parents couldn’t even make it) and saw an unfamiliar car in the driveway. When you walked in, Calum wiped his hands on his pants and stood from the couch. “Don’t even apologize. None of you. Do you know how shitty it feels… to be the lead in the play.. and then have no one show up for you?! I counted on you Cal … not mom or dad, I knew they wouldn’t show, but you.” Tears fell rapidly and you went up to your room to get away from your family. “Y/N I’m so sorry. I love you so much.. please forgive me. I’m sorry,” your brother cried from outside the door. “Leave me be,” you whispered through tears.


You knew Luke would be there, he promised you multiple times. The boys were even in the crowd with your parents, huge grins plastered on their faces. The first few scenes you were upset, but you figured he was just in the bathroom or fans caught a glimpse of him. You were so caught up in the show that you forgot about him not showing. Everybody took their final bows and you could heard the boys hooting from their seats. You laughed and waved as the show ended. Backstage, Ashton picked you up and spun you as the boys laughed and congratulated you. “Where’s Luke?” you asked. They all awkwardly looked around and you sighed, “He really tried Y/N.” Calum wrapped an arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek. “…I’m sure. I-it’s okay. I got you guys.” You sadly walked out with the boys and headed home. Luke was already there waiting for you and the boys left you two alone. “I’m so so so sorry Y/N. They wouldn’t let me leave,” he explained. “The boys were there. That was the only support I really needed. No hard feelings,” you sharply turned and went back to the boys. “Shit,” he whispered.

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