✉ fourteen ✉

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[not edited]

3rd Person

The atmosphere was filled with silence. There were no students in the halls neither in the classrooms. Yoongi even entered the cafeteria and restrooms (including the girls restroom since he got no shame) just to make sure. Did something happened when he was gone?

But he didn't give up. There's another place he haven't check yet and it's the basketball court.

Yoongi spreads open the heavy doors. The familiar smell of sweat and rubber greeted him like a welcome hug. It brings back memories, both good and bad. If he could redo one memory, he wishes it to be the day where they  signed up in a championship full of great and well-known players. Yoongi wanted to feel the same adrenaline pumping in his blood after the judge mouthed their team name on the stage.

A small smile crept in his lips that suddenly turned in a frown. Why did he stop? Nobody knows. Except for him and Namjoon. Group of players marches inside the court and just by their clothes and towels draping over their necks, you can already tell they're already done practicing but what catches his attention the most is that a certain blonde hair was with them.

"We never knew that you're actually pretty good at basketball" Jimin's cheeks automatically turns pink by the compliment.

"It's nothing really" He giggles. Jimin is a person that easily gets flattered by small compliments and tries to deny the fact that he isn't. Yoongi charges towards the group with a permanent scowl.

"Jimin wh-" Yoongi's sentence was cutted off by the team turning their heads at him. All of them quickly realize who he was and for a split second, he was already thrown up in the air as they chant a 'welcome back Yoongi'.

Jimin ordered them to stop when Yoongi looks like he was about to puke. He guess that Yoongi was still feeling kinda ill after his hangover. At last, they put him down safely back on the ground and Yoongi was never been glad. He wobbled a bit on his feet, the sickness still lingers but he balance his weight after a bit while.

"What were you doing here?" Jimin asks and crosses his arms on his chest. "There are no classes for today you know" he added.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head, "R-really? I didn't know"

"Ofcourse you don't know" Jimin scoffs. He really didn't want to see Yoongi for a while after what happened last night in the bar. The guilt is slowly eating up his system and he can't help but suddenly feel sick. Yoongi showing up when he's still recovering wasn't a good idea.

"Do you hate me?" There was a hint of sadness on Yoongi's voice. Jimin shakes his head side to side, unsure what to say. Does he? He doesn't. Well, maybe.

"Al-alright" Yoongi shifts his weight side to side. "Can we you know uh go on a date?" He looks down at floor, suddenly finding it interesting to stare at. "I just want to make up to you"

Jimin's mind debated for a solid 10 seconds. In the end, he found himself nodding anyways. Yoongi smiles and take his hand when the heavy doors swings open, grabbing everyone's attention. As soon as the person steps inside, he wandered his gaze around until it landed on Yoongi.

Jimin felt Yoongi's body tense at his side and the way he grips his hand got tight. It's the same bartender guy he met at the night club a few days ago. But what was he doing here?

"You're Park Jimin right?" The guy reaches out his hand with a polite smile as he approaches. "I'm Jung Hoseok and the principal told me to find you so you can show me around the campus"

Jimin tries to fake a smile but the corner of his mouth seems to be stuck in a pursed. "Yeah you found the right person, Hoseok."

With his free hand, they shake hands but the grip on Yoongi became tighter as if his life depends on it if he let go. Jimin spare a glance at Yoongi over his shoulder, the older's face turned emotionless by Hoseok's presence. But he knew behind that was anger and pain.

"Show me around" Hoseok said but the tone he used was more like a command. Yoongi added another hand, placing it on Jimin's arm,  pleading him not to.

"Sure" Hoseok perks up and Yoongi felt like he was about to cry yet Jimin wasn't finish talking. "But I'll do it next time" Yoongi let go a heavy sigh that he didn't realize he was holding in the whole time. Jimin crosses his fingers secretly at his back hoping that Hoseok would go and leave them alone.

"Tomorrow is fine right?"

"Yeah tomorrow"

Showing an annoyed smile he says, "Alright see ya Jimin and... Baby- I mean Yoongi bye!"

Yoongi emitted a deep growl on his throat. Hoseok did the 'Baby-i mean-yoongi-bye' shit on purpose to obviously piss Jimin off but the younger doesn't care at all.

After Hoseok left, Yoongi brought Jimin to the locker room, far away from the place where the 'scene' had happened and also for safety measures so no one can overheard their conversation.

"I'm glad that horse guy is gone" Jimin laughs a little on his joke then looks at Yoongi. "You can let go of my arm now"

"Eh no" Yoongi pouts. "I feel better this way"

"Fine just take it easy" Jimin replies. "My arm feels like it's going to rip off"

Yoongi loosen his grip and Jimin grimaces at the already reddish mark forming. The older also notice this so he muttered a soft 'oops sorry' before planting a small kiss on it.

Jimin's face turn crimson red at his act. 'Fucking Min Yoongi does shame even exist on his vocabulary?' Yoongi seems to have read his mind when he sent him a devilish grin plus a wink.

Earlier Yoongi acted scared like a defenseless kitten but now he have turned into a sly cat (the one who knocks out things away from the table and disobeys his owner) real quick.

"You little shit head I should have tour Hoseok around" Jimin playfully hits the back of Yoongi's head. Yoongi dramatically touches the part where he have hitted him and pretended to tear up but he only got a eye roll.

"But you love me so you didn't hehe"

"Do I really?" Jimin taps his chin with his pointing finger, impersonating a thinking person.

"Maybe this will answer your question" Yoongi pins him to the nearest locker and places his lips against Jimin, tasting the strawberry chapstick.

The kiss melted into a passionate one where in it involves the tounge. For the first time, Jimin felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. It's always Jungkook who can make him feel like that but this time, it was a different person and that is Yoongi.

Happy Namjoon Day ayie 🐋💕 I decided to end this chapter with a sweet one for a little treat lol and also translations are allowed in any of my books so feel free to translate if you want ㅋㅋ just dm me and we'll talk about it~

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