✉ two ✉

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3rd person

Last night, Jimin had already messaged Jungkook about the good news and the younger was happy about it. They even spend the whole night talking to each other through skype. Jimin stares at Jungkook; his eyes are already droopy and barely open.

"Are you sleepy?" Jimin asks and the younger hums in response. The pair bid each other goodbye before ending the call. He let out a sigh before closing his eyes and fall asleep.


It was already lunch time when Jimin decided to find Yoongi. He knew exactly where he can be found so he headed straight at the school garden. Jimin heard a soft snoring sound coming from ontop of a tree and there he saw him sleeping with his earphones plugged in.

"Min Yoongi!" Jimin calls out but Yoongi pretend he didn't heard him so he continued to sleep.

"Are you awake?"

"No I'm sleeping" Yoongi replies and turns away then closes his eyes.

"Get down here!" Jimin says. "I need to ask you something!" but instead of replying, Yoongi just lifted his middle finger at him.

"So be it bitch" In anger, he started kicking the trunk. Yoongi felt the branch breaking due to the shaking and screams stop but Jimin didn't listen.


A loud snap silenced the two before Yoongi fell on the ground creating a loud thud.

"Omfg Yoongi are you alright?" Jimin hurriedly went over him and help him sit up. "How's your arm? Is it broken?"

"You sound like my mom" Yoongi scoffs earning a glare from Jimin. "But my arm hurts a little and i think i sprained my ankle"

"I'll take you to the clinic"

"Thanks but no thanks i can go there by myself" The older stood up.

"But you can't-" and fell. "walk."

"I'll just crawl then"

"You're only going to hurt yourself more idiot" Jimin picks him and carried him like a sack of potatoes.

"Bitch what the fuck put me down"

But the younger didn't listen and carried him until they reached the school clinic. They even get some weird looks along the way and even the nurse gave them one.

"What happ-"

"He fell ontop of a tree" Jimin cuts her off and settles- more like, drop him on the bed making Yoongi yelp.

"Okay I'll go get some meds" The nurse leave the two to get a first aid kit so she can treat Yoongi's injuries.

"You're skinny but why are you so damn heavy"

"It's science"

"That doesn't make any sense"

"And so does your existence"

After the nurse treated his injuries, Yoongi saw Jimin waiting patiently at the door and once the younger saw him, he immediately went towards him.

"Hey bitch, you're going to be my boyfriend alright?" Jimin smiles but soon disappears when Yoongi glares at him. "You better say yes"

"After making me clean the boy's restroom, disturb my sleep and injure me, you still even have the guts to ask me if i wanna be your boyfriend?" Yoongi fakes a laugh but the younger remained a serious look.

Jimin smirks, "Alright then, i have no choice but to spread this video of yours—" He was cut off by Yoongi covering his mouth.

"Fine I'll be your fucking boyfriend" He growls and the younger can't help but smile. "But then we would be having some rules about this-"

"Oops class is gonna start adios gwiyomi boy! And also meet me after school ok?" Jimin bids him a good bye before slinging his back pack on one shoulder and walks away.

"But we have the same class you brat!" Yoongi sighs. "Pfft whatever."


7 days left and im finally going to see them asdfghjkl 😭💓💓

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