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I check my clock cause the date with Nana was longer than expected. Its 4:46 ugh, I wont be able to sleep by 5...

"Hey, manager! I need to go to the convenient store. Wait a sec." i say as i run out to the convenient store to buy some soju.

Then, just like a movie, like a book, like a drama, like fate... i just saw a sleeping beauty. Just this sleeping beauty instead of having roses around her she has empty soju and beer bottles and empty cup noodle cups.

"Excuse me???" I go closer to her. A young girl cant be asleep alone like this at night!!! So dangerous! "Excuse me!!!" I whisper-shout into her ear. Considering all the alcohol bottles lying she smells good. Her smells is as toxic as the alcohol around her. Its sweet like vanilla beans, relaxing like lavender, and delicious like candy.

Just as i was about to sniff her (i know im creepy) she suddenly held my hand which was on the ground next to her.

"It wasnt my fault... i just wanted to be loved... i just wanted to feel love for somebody... i'm sorry..." the young girl mumbled in her sleep. I tear ran down her soft little face. As i wiped the tear off her face I noticed her face is as smooth as butter. She has glowing white skin and rosy cheeks,Her nose was tall and pointy making me want to check if she got plastic sugery. She didnt.
(Apperantly if you have plastic sugery you cant make your nose like a pig. Also you will have scars)
And the tip of her nose was a little red making her look like rudolf.
Is she cold? I thought to myself
Even her eyes were perfect, she had big aegyosal and her eyelashes are thin but long. Her long dark brown hair that fell onto her face was so silky and it slipped out of my fingers. This girl...

I leaned my back against the wall and spread my legs straight out so that i was in the same position as her. Ill stay and protect her until she wakes up. I called my manager to tell him to leave.

One thing I noticed, shes tiny, thin, short, generally tiny. How old was she? Is this illegal? Fuck... just as i was paniking the young girls head fell on my sholder. And that intoxicating smell blessed my senses. And her small hand that was holding mine squeezed my hand. She must have been having a nightmare. Ill sing a lullaby. As i sang "if you" the young girl facial expressions loosened up a bit creating a small smile. She really looks like an elementary student. I stare at her for a few minutes then decide to go because it feels so wrong.


A/N: I'm loosing inspiration~ㅜㅜ
Luckily I wrote some chapters ahead of time.

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