You Know This Is Your Biggest Mistake

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Ella was frustrated and fed up with being stuck in this room on this bed.
She couldn't even go to the bathroom without someone having to come with her! This was getting out of hand and she needed to escape - fast.

She sat in the middle of the large bed hugging her knees with her chin gently resting on them while Janos lounged on the couch the the far left of the bed tapping his fingers out of boredom.

Ellas hair had been weaved into a fishtail braid that flowed over her right shoulder and tied at the end with a ribbon.
Her outfit a long flowing night gown with the shoulders cut off and very wide sleeves with a small teardrop looking slit between her breasts and the dress a light beige.

Ella sighed and looked over at Janos, knowing he was about as bored as she was "So… Got any board games?" Ella suggested weakly and Janos lulled his head to the side giving her a bored glare.

Ella frowned and rested her chin back on her knees, they all were angry with her for the night before and refused to speak to her until she apologized which she would not do - she had a right to know that they were killing people! why they had decided not to tell her was unclear to Ella and made her even more frustrated.

Ella glanced over at Janos, seeing his attention was aimed elsewhere, and shut her eyes tightly while she concentrated on the image of Erik.


Erik concentrated hard on turning the large dish miles away to face him.

His face began to turn red as he continued to concentrate but finally let out a grunt and gave up.

Charles looked at the ground then to his friend "You know, I believe true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity" he said as Erik turned to face him "Would you mind if I..." Charles raised his hand and moved his fingers and Erik shook his head.

Charles put two fingers to his left temple and shut his eyes, looking into Eriks memories.


Charles saw Erik with a young girl, he was chasing her around a forest and laughing "You'll never catch me, Max!" the small girl shouted, laughing as she hopped over a log "Ella, it's time for dinner!" he shouted back with a large smile on his face.

The little girl turned and Charles nearly gave a gasp, even as a little girl she was beautiful.

She smiled at Erik "Come now, Max, I haven't had this much freedom since I was a child!" she shouted and began to twirl "Ella, we have a big day tomorrow, you know that" Erik said as he folded his arms over his chest and Ella stopped twirling to run over to Erik.

She looked up into his eyes and smiled softly "Even though my dad is gone and my family isn't around, I'm glad I have you, Max, you're all the family I need" Ella hugged him tightly "I love you, Max, and I always will" she mumbled into his shirt.

The words had brought tears to Eriks eyes as he hugged her back tighter "I love you too, Ella and I'll always be here to protect you" he told the small girl and kissed to top of her head.


The memory ended and Charles brushed away a tear that escaped his eye "What did you just do to me?" Erik asked as a tear slid down his face "I accessed the brightest corner of your memory system" Charles told him "It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you" Erik shook his head slightly "I didn't know I still had that" he told Charles honestly "There is so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There is good, too. I felt it. When you can access all of that, you will possess a power no one can match. Not even me" Charles explained and gave Erik a pat on his shoulder "So come on, try again" he encouraged him and Erik turned back to the large dish.

Erik slowly extended his arm toward the dish as tears slid from his eyes, he concentrated on that memory and moving the dish to face them.

The dish slowly began to turn as Erik moved his shaking hand and Charles looked on, very impressed while Erik began to smile and laugh while Charles joined in his laughter and patted Erik on the back "Well done" he told his friend.


Ella sat up in her bed to look over at Janos' sleeping form "Janos?" she called to see if he was in a deep sleep.

Janos didn't even stir as Ella hopped out of her bed and ran to the closet to pack some things but froze over her suitcase as she heard Janos mumble in his sleep.

Ella let out a breath of relief to see he was still asleep and shut her suitcase.

She slowly came to notice a red spot on her hand from when Sebastian had forced Angel to transfer her mutation to her, it made Ella sick.

She could barely control the other mutations, she didn't need another.

Sighing, Ella shut her eyes and concentrated on the image of Erik again and Azazels mutation.

Ella felt a burning heat crawling up her as she concentrated harder the heat increased.

She gasped loudly as the heat enveloped her and everything went dark.


Erik had shot out of bed as he heard a loud 'BMF' coming from outside the mansion.

He exited his room and began making his way down the hall to the door leading to the back of the mansion.

He jogged down the stone steps, gripping his blade tightly "Who's here?" he called but recieved no answer "Show yourself!" he shouted angrily as he walked toward the field.

Erik noticed a figure lie motionless on the grass and he walked cautiously toward it "Hello?" he asked, gripping his blade tighter until he noticed the figures long chocolate brown hair "Ella?" he asked slowly and bent over to turn her head toward him "Ella!" he shouted and immediatly dropped the blade, taking her in his arms bridal style.

"Charles!" Erik screamed as he ran toward the mansion carrying Ella "Charles!" he continued to scream until Charles came running out "Erik! What is it!" Erik jogged passed him into the mansion "It's Ella, I found her like this in the field" he explained as he gently placed her on the couch "She's barely breathing, Charles" Erik stared worriedly at Ellas form.

Charles began to examine the girl while Erik paced the room "Erik, her breathing is normal" he told his friend "She's simply unconcious" Erik knelt next to Ellas head, stroking her hair "Will she wake up?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of her and Charles nodded "She'll be alright, she must have fainted" Charles looked out the window and noticed a suitcase laying in the grass "Those bastards will pay" Erik growled out and Charles placed a hand on his shoulder "They didn't do this to her, she came by herself. Her suitcase is out there" he told the worried man.

"Get some rest, Erik, I'll stay with her and tell you when she awakens" Charles said and Erik looked up at him "I don't want to leave he-" he began "Erik, it wasn't a request, go to bed" he commanded and Erik got up tiredly to shuffle to his room.


So, the reason that Ella sometimes calls Erik 'Max'

Is because Max is Magneto's original name before he changed it to Erik, just in case that confused you.

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