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It had been a month since Erik had last seen Ella, each day he missed her more.

It made him cringe to know he had failed her and let them take her away.

Since that night, Erik had helped Charles in the search for mutants to recruit which slowly helped him take his mind off of things.

The friendship between Charles and Erik had grown greatly, Erik realized as he conversed with Charles "Charles, do you think we'll find her?" Erik asked quietly and Charles gave him a look as he opened the door to the pub "I truly do, Erik, she can't be far" he said to him.

They entered the pub and looked around "What's this mutants name, Charles?" Erik asked him and Charles scanned the pub "James 'Logan' Howlett" Charles told him and Erik froze, that name all too familiar "There he is" Charles stated as he pointed toward the gruff looking man sitting at the bar, smoking a cigar "Erik?" Charles asked "You know this man?" Charles whispered and Erik swallowed "That's Ellas father, he went missing when she was 5... He was never found though" Erik explained, staring at the man before them.

Charles read the mans mind, finding no traces of a girl named Ella or any early periods in his life "Erik, he's forgotten" Charles said, reading deeper into the mans thoughts "There's no trace of Ella in his memories" he told him.

Erik then glared at the man, how dare he not remember Ella, the girl who absolutely adored and admired her father, who loved him and thought of him even when he was gone "Bastard" Erik spat and Charles placed a hand on his shoulder "Erik, calm down, let's just speak with him, yes?" Charles said as he walked toward the man.


"Ella! Are you ready?" Ella heard her mother call as she stared at herself in the mirror "Not quite, mom, give me another few minutes!" she called back.

Sebastian and Emma had become overprotective of Ella, Azazel always keeping an eye on her and she was never to leave his sight unless she was changing or in the washroom.

She continued to stare at herself, surprised she looked as elegant as her mother wearing a white dress which at the top seemed like a lacey strapless bra with silky material hanging from it lazily, acting as a skirt to cover her from just beneath her beasts to just above her knees and if she were to twirl, it would surely show her panties.

Her hair had been curled to look identical to her mothers and her eyes were brighter than she had seen, with a necklace draped around her neck that had a diamond covered key at the end.

Ella truly looked pure and innocent, like her mother wanted "Ella?" her mother asked as she entered her room "Are you alright, darling?" startled, Ella whipped around with a gasp and sighed "I'm sorry mother, you scared me" Ella told her, breathing heavily.

Emma was wearing a dress similar to her daughters, it simply had sparkles and diamonds on it "Ella, you look stunning" her mother said, smiling softly.

Ella turned back to the mirror and smiled "Do you really think so?" she asked Emma nodded and hugged her daughter "I've missed you so much, so has Sebastian" Emma whispered Ella smiled sadly as she hugged her back.

Ella was happy to be reunited with her mother but she couldn't help missing Erik deeply, he had been a father to her for years and she couldn't simply stop thinking about him as Sebastian told her to.

"So have I, mom, I've missed you both" Ella said quietly as Azazel entered the room to escort Ella downstairs.

"I'll see you downstairs, darling" Emma told her, kissing her forehead and Ella nodded as her mother left her room.

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