Chapter 10

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A week after Kuchel's death, just after her funeral, Eren was officially crowned Queen of Sina.

The whole kingdom hadn't taken their former queen's death so well and neither had his son, Rivan. Besides, who would? Kuchel had been a caring and kind ruler.

Before she passed, Eren had noticed that Rivan began to spend more time in Kuchel's room than with him. The little alpha would wake up early in the morning, grab Reo and head straight to Kuchel's room and stay in there for hours at a time. Sometimes until Eren would need to literally drag the unwilling boy out for bedtime lest he begin to sleep in there too and he didn't want that to become a problem.

Once, Eren had been immensely curious as to they were conversing about---- pressing his ear against door and silently listening through the dark wood door. Kuchel's voice was soft, and muffled but Eren could still make out what she was saying.

"Once upon a time, there lived a young prince among the Ackermans. He always loved to spend his time outside in the gardens and loved to help the poor. And do you know what his name was, Rivan?"



Fond giggling, and then,

"Yes. You're very smart, Rivan, Y'know?"

Eren didn't approach the door after that. Instead he went out to the field and trained daily with groups of guards, taking them all down effortlessly, sometimes he even spared with Mikasa, who he had grown close to over the past couple of days much to his shock. He rarely let others close, due to the fact that Rivan was his first priority. But Mikasa somehow managed to break through his walls and burry herself straight in his heart.

She was kind, and supportive and very protective. She would glare at anyone who looked suspicious and it was more than once Eren had to reassure her that he could take care of himself. She helped in any way she could, giving out advice when Eren needed it the most, comforting him when he brooded over Rivan's absence or worried.

Even during Kuchel's funeral, she still stuck by Eren's side, façade indifferent, and Eren would forever be grateful. She was a strong woman and he admired that about her.

Eren stared unblinkingly at Kuchel's still form, as she lay against silk cushioned sheets. The woman's long raven hair was neatly combed, curling over her shoulders, her pale fingers intertwined on her belly, as if she were patiently waiting. She was dressed in a black long dress that twinkled with jewelry and dark flats.

She looked peaceful. Almost as if she was sleeping but Eren knows that is not the case, for not a single breath left her.

Beside him, Rivan clutched his hand tightly, his little pale fingers griping onto Eren's with a vice like strength that was not possible for a young boy. Little, quiet sniffles left the alpha. Eren knew that inside, his son was hurting. Rivan and Kuchel had formed a special and strong bond before her last breath and now she was gone.

Rivan had grown closer with his grand-mére than he had with Jean or Marco. And that was a lot to say, for it was difficult to win the boy's trust so easily.

Eren wondered of it was an Ackerman thing.

It was silent, the only sound was the rain pouring gently down on them as the skies darkened in color, losing the cheerful blueness, and Kuchel's closed coffin was slowly lowered into the muddy ground. Her beautiful face gone, but not forgotten.

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