Chapter 8

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"Do you ever regret falling for him?"



"Because thinking that he loved me was my only regret."

"Bye, mama, papa!" Eren called as he stepped outside his cottage home, closing the door behind him. He sighed and adjusted his black cloak before descending the steps of his small porch and heading down the sidewalk. His long brown high waisted cotton skirt brushed against his legs as he walked. Underneath his cloak he wore a small, white short sleeve blouse that exposed a bit of his belly and a pair of worn ankle brown boots.

His mother always scolded him for not wearing his clothes the proper way, since it always attracted attention from alphas so he was made to wear a cloak that his father bought for him. Eren was never one to follow rules and liked to rebel against everything that had to do with their dynamics, which made him stick out more to the alphas in his village, shiganshina. Other than his beauty of course.

He was seen as a fiery, strong-willed omega who did not take orders from anyone (his parents don't count). He liked to get into fights with alphas twice his size, which resulted in his father having to patch him up almost everyday, because it made him feel strong and not weak like they made omegas to be.

Because of his behavior and rebellious attitude, most people either wanted to fight him, strangle him or fuck him. He was seen as an inproper omega and people despised it. He always got scowls, whistles or pitty looks when he went out. But none of that would stop him from having his fun.

He ran his fingers through his short dark hair and stared up at the bright blue sky. When he passed by a group of gossiping omega women they paused in their conversation to stare at him with disgust and hatred while alphas stared after him with greedy eyes. He ignored them all as he went straight to a stand where a seller sold fresh fruits and vegetables. 

He stood in front of a cart filled with apples and was about to reach out for the reddest one that caught his eye when another hand snatched it before him. Shocked and angry, Eren turned to give the asshole a vicious lashing when his words got caught in his throat.

Holy fuck he's hot..... Eren gaped, staring at the alpha in front of him.

The handsome alpha tossed a coin in the direction of the seller who caught it with a smile before he turned to face Eren, taking a bite out of the red apple, sharp perfect white teeth sinking in with a crunch following after. The male had raven hair styled in an undercut, and narrow but cold dark blue eyes. His skin was pale and had several scars that Eren itched to run his hands over. He wore dark pants tucked into boots with a white shirt, sleeves and collar rolled up.

"What?" The alpha questioned in a deep voice that sent shivers of want down Eren's body. He swallowed and raised an eyebrow at Eren. "Got something to say, brat?"

Eren shook his head and felt his anger bubble up again at the word 'brat'. How dare this asshole call him a brat?! The bastard didn't even look that much older than Eren! The fucker! 

"Fuck you! That was my apple, dickface!" Eren growled and he didn't miss the way the alpha slowly scanned Eren's body up and down with interest. He stomped his foot. "And quit staring at me, pervert!"

The alpha snapped his gaze back up to Eren and crossed his arms. "If you didn't want me staring, you shouldn't have dressed like a street whore." He said bluntly.

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