Chapter 7

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Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy but anyway the picture you see below will be Eren's room since I had trouble finding one myself I let my friend choose.

Enjoy! :D

"So, Eren," Kuchel cleared her throat then looked at Eren with tired eyes but a fond smile. "How are you?" She asked.

Eren glanced at her, then back down at his fumbling hands. "I-I'm fine...." He said shyly. He's never met Levi's mother up close. She was a beautiful woman and Levi was a spitting image of her. Though where she was kind and gentle, Levi was not.

Kuchel patted Eren's hand softly and gazed up at him with hopeful eyes "Eren.... i-is it alright if I get to see my grandson?" She asked sounding a bit dubious and nervous.

If it were anyone else, Eren would have snapped at them and had his blade against their throat but he merely nodded at kuchel, a small smile on his face. For some reason he trusted this woman despite only knowing her for a few minutes.

Eren glanced glanced down at Rivan who had been clutching at his mother's skirt, shying away. When the young boy looked up at him, Eren grinned and stroked his hair. "Why don't you go meet your grand-mére, Rivan?"

Rivan hesitantly glanced at Kuchel who beckoned him closer with a curl of her fingers. He looked at Eren who gave him a small nod and encouraging smile then back at Kuchel before he started to move slowly.

He walked around to the other side of the bed cautiously until he was right by the sickly woman's side.

Kuchel laughed lightly at the way the young alpha shyly fumbled with his hands. It was clearly obvious where Rivan got his awkwardness from.

"Hello, Rivan." Kuchel grinned, and she reached out to pat his head gently.  "I'm so happy to meet you," She chuckled and poked his cheek earning a blush from the boy.

Very cute indeed. Plus he reminded her of so much like Levi.

She stroked his soft chubby cheek, her smile weary. Her light grey eyes held fondness and adoration as she gazed at Rivan. She spoke, "You know, you have very pretty eyes." She complimented. His eyes were indeed unique, with one emerald and the other a stormy blue. They were captivating and beautiful.

Just like Eren's eyes.

Rivan blushed even harder at that  having never been complimented by anyone other than his mother. "Th...thank you...." He stuttered and glanced up at the queen through his lashes. "Grand-mére..." He mumbled, shyly. He's never used the word and it felt foreign to him. His mother never brought up anything about any of his grandparents and he didn't ask.

Eren giggled. "Aww, Rivan, do you like her more than me already?" He teased with a smirk.

Rivan froze, eyes wide and he shook his head furiously at the thought. "No, maman!" He pouted. He would never love anyone as much as his mother.

Eren giggled some more at his son's stubbornness and waved his hands. "Just joking, sweetie." He laughed.

Kuchel giggled as well then sighed. "Mikasa," She called.

Mikasa who had been standing by the door, arrived at her call. Kuchel smiled at her and motioned at Eren and Rivan. "Would you tell the others to cook something up for these two? They must be starving."

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