Chapter 1

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"Rivan!" Eren called as he set his hands on his hips. Vibrant, emerald green eyes glanced around the tavern as he sighed. There were a lot of patrons today, mostly Alphas and Betas, making it hard to spot the little rascal.

He wore a white, ruffled off-shoulder peasant blouse with a black corset, and a long dark blue skirt that split on both sides, exposing smooth, caramel legs everytime he walked and a pair of black ankle boots. His hair has gotten slightly longer over the months he refused to trim it that it framed his youthful, round face.

Plump lips stretched into a motherly smile when a little boy, no older than five, walked right up to him with his head down and hands behind his back. He was pretty small for a five year old though he emitted the aura and scent of a powerful Alpha.

Eren tapped his foot on the floor board and hummed. "Rivan? What have you got there behind your back?" He asked though a bit more demandingly as he stared down at the young boy.

Rivan quietly mumbled something under his breath causing Eren to raiss a perfect brow.

"What was that?"

Rivan finally looked up at Eren. He took after his father more than he did Eren. He had fair skin, raven hair that was parted more on the right side like bangs, and a small nose. Though his eyes, which stood out more than his features, were two completely different colors. The right one was a fiery emerald green with gold flecks around the iris while the left eye was a stormy grey with dark blue. With a bored yet innocent expression, he unfolded his hands out.

There, in the palm of his hands, was a small black kitten. It was so tiny and skinny, Eren was sure it was possibly sick from lack of food and water. Rivan always came back with small animals or reptiles. Eren was never one to keep pets since he already had a kid to look out for and he didn't need another mouth to feed.

After a brief moment, he sighed and shook his head tiredly. "Do you really want to keep him?" He asked, voice soft.

Rivan nodded and held the kitten close to his chest, his small fingers petting the black fur while he stared down at it.

Eren rolled his eyes, but nonethless smiled as he reached out to stroke his child's raven locks, heart warming at the sight before him."Fine, just this once okay?"

Immediately, Rivan's face brightened as he looked up at his mother. "Thank you maman."

Eren giggled and bent down to kiss Rivan's forehead, oblivious of all the alphas ogling him from behind. After he stood up straight, he patted the boy's head, smiling. "Go ahead and get him bathed, I think there's some left over milk in the fridge too." He said.

Rivan nodded happily and ran off, heading towards the stairs that lead up towards their home.

Eren watched him go, his expression softening. For a moment he ignored the loud chatter around him and the sound of glass cups clinking together. It wasn't until the sound of a bell ringing brought him back. He blinked a few times and glanced around him and towards the entrance of the tavern.

Jean and his boyfriend, Marco, were walking towards him. Marco, an alpha, smiled and waved while Jean, an alpha as well, just blinked like he was bored and couldn't care less if he saw Eren.

Eren brightened up and grinned back at them as the two alpha's approached him. He was aware and unfazed by both their gazes as they scanned him up and down with hidden lust in their eyes. Despite them wanting to include Eren in their relationship, even though the omega politely turned them down, they still hadn't lost their interest in the bright eyed young male.

Although the offer had been tempting, (they were very handsome alphas, he admits) Eren had Rivan to look out for and wasn't interested. He was his first priority and forever will be.

"Hey, Eren. How are you?" Marco asked with a tilt of his head, a kind smile on his face.

"I'm alright, how about you guys?" Eren asked as he turned and motioned them with a look over his shoulder to follow him. He headed towards the back of the tavern, where it was a bit darker but more quieter, a sway to his wide hips as he walked.

Marco hummed, eyes snapping away from ogling Eren's hips and warily eyeing the alphas who devoured the omega with their greedy eyes. "We've been doing good. Jean and I just came back from from Sina--"

Eren tensed.

"--and we met some great people! We also bought a little something for Rivan too." Marco said as he reached into his satchel, oblivious to Eren's tense form or his nervous fidgeting.

The three of them seated down at a round, wooden table with four chairs surrounding it. Jean and Marco sat across from Eren, while the freckled alpha pulled out a small green cloak about Rivan's size from the bag, holding it over the table so Eren could get a better look.

Eren's eyes widened and he gasped, a smile forming as he accepted the cloak from Marco. It was extremely soft to the touch and must've been expensive. He frowned and pouted as he stroked the soft cloak before snapping his head up at them.

"You guys didn't have to! Surely, this was too much! Let me pay you back--"

Jean perked up at that.

"--and no, not that way you pervert!!" Eren scowled at the two-toned alpha.

Marco chuckled and Jean growled while crossing his arms, a deep huff escaping his lips as he turned his head away. Marco rolled his eyes and spoke with a gentle tone, "You don't need to, Eren. Really. We wanted to and it was our choice, okay?"

Eren stared at him briefly before sighing and nodding his head, his cheeks turning red at Marco's bright smile. Dumb, handsome alphas.... He thought with a scowl and blush.

For a while they talked and laughed until it became dark outside and there were fewer patrons. The tavern was quieter and calm now, only the sound of quiet conversations of a few alpha's still lingering about. His workers, Sasha and Connie were goofing about, their laughs and giggles loud.

"Well, we should really get going." Marco said as he stood up. Jean doing the same though not before downing a shot from the cup in front of him.

Eren stood up as well and once both alphas were standing in front of him, he smiled up at them, a twinkle in his green eyes. "Thank you guys for coming, and thank you for the cloak. I know Rivan will love it." Eren grinned.

Jean rolled his eyes, arms bulging with muscles as he crossed his arms, puffing out his chest. "Well of course he'll love it! It was from us after all." He gave a cheeky grin while Eren and Marco rolled their eyes.

Jean was so full of himself.

Eren hesitated before finally giving in. He stood up on his tippy-toes and puckered his pink, plump lips. He pressed a soft kiss against Marco's cheek, hand pressing against the freckled man's chest for support. Then, he pulled away and pressed a kiss to Jean's cheek as well.

When he leaned back, both alpha's faces were red and their eyes wide. Eren giggled seductively and turned away, heading for the stairs. He looked over his shoulder and waved at them both.

"See you guys later!" He called with a wink before disappearing upstairs. Even if Eren couldn't be with them, that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun teasing the two alphas.

When he checked, Rivan was already asleep in his bed, covers up to his chin, with the kitten curled close to his head on the pillow.

A soft smile broke out on his face, as he closed the door to Rivan's room.

He would make sure they were okay and that no one got in between his family.

:33 I really like omega Eren.

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