➢ eighty two

900 42 19

so sorry for the long wait for a chapter, life has been pretty hectic lately


"How's everyone doing?" Jared asked with a large grin.

Richard whooped, along with the other groomsmen. They all cheered excitedly, causing Jared to laugh slightly.

"That's good to hear! Anyway, we're all here tonight because of these two idiots getting married. How do I know they're idiots? Well, I've worked with one of them for thirteen years basically, and the other for about nine. I think it's safe to say I know them pretty well." He grinned down at the two newlyweds.

"Lets see.... well, Jensen and I have been doing the show for thirteen years. It's kind of crazy to think that we've been doing it for so long. We've met so many amazing people, and Misha happened to be one of them. God, there's so many stories I could tell about both of them. When Jensen and I met for the first time, I think I said that he was really handsome, or something like that. And I think you also said something similar about me.

"One time, in the early stages of the show, we were at this bar. And one time these guys got a little too drunk and rowdy, and long story short we ended up in a bar fight because they thought we had been rude to them earlier, even though we hadn't. So at that point, there was like a full on brawl going. Jensen actually did a roundhouse kick on a guy, and then came over and helped me because there were four or so guys ganging up on me. I feel kind of bad since two of them had to go to the hospital, but they were the ones who started it." He laughed, glancing down at Jensen, who was also chuckling at his story. "And the thing is, we were using a bunch of fighting techniques that they taught us for the show. So if we hadn't done the show, we might've gotten our asses kicked." Jared let out another laugh before continuing.

"A lot of people think we're just brothers on television, but it's become so much more than that now. It honestly does feel like we're brothers in real life too. We've bonded so closely over the years. He's helped me through some rough times in my life, and I've done the same with him. Misha, you're lucky to have him. Congrats, you two." He raised his glass of champagne, and everyone did the same to finish off the toasts.

After the toast, Jared sat down. Everyone clapped, and Jensen smiled over at him, leaning over and giving him a side hug. "Thanks, man. That was actually a nice speech. I thought you were going to say some more embarrassing stuff about me." He admitted.

"Nah," Jared laughed, taking a drink of his champagne. "Just the High School Musical thing." He grinned over at his best friend.

"Which, by the way, you aren't off the hook for." Jensen threatened, only half meaning it.

His grin widened, and he let out another booming laugh, which echoed around the room (which happened every time Jared laughed). "How could I not tell them? You should've seen Rich's face, he was practically dying of laughter. It was great."

Jensen rolled his eyes, but the amused smile on his lips showed otherwise. "I see how it is. Well, maybe I'll have to let slip that you like watching Jersey Shore with Gen." He winked, before taking a sip of his champagne.

"Wait, no! That's not fair!" Jared protested.

Jensen just laughed as he sipped his drink.

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