➢ sixteen

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okay, look. i know for a fact that you're ignoring me. i see you talking and laughing on set with jared. the only interaction we've had since jared's tweet of us kissing was that scene with dean and cas. you wouldn't even look at me between takes.

i don't know why you're ignoring me. is it about the kiss? i'm assuming that's why, but i'm not 100% sure

please, jen. i just want to know why.

yes, it's about the kiss. i've never kissed a guy before, and after the convention it sunk in. we were so busy during the con that i didn't even have time to stop and realize what happened. after the con and after we got back to vancouver, i didn't even know what to think. i just needed to take a break and sort my feelings out. i thought by ignoring you it would make them go away.

what are you saying?

i've never felt this way towards a guy before. i've never liked men, so this is all new to me and i honestly still don't know what to think

you.... like me??

yes, i think so

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