➢ fifty

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Misha had tried to distract himself from making a decision about Jensen's plans. He had tried to watch tv at first, but there wasn't anything good on. Then he had actually started cleaning his place a little bit, but that got boring pretty quickly. Next he decided that it'd be a good idea to go take a jog. That usually cleared his mind.

It did clear his mind, but only temporarily. On his twenty minute run he had been focused on his pace, not Jensen. As soon as he walked back into his apartment, he was faced with reality.

He only had a little over half an hour until Jensen would come back.

Fifteen minutes later, Misha found himself getting dressed. He still wasn't sold on this whole thing, but was curious to see what Jensen had planned.

He didn't want it to look like he was dressing up to impress Jensen. He pulled on some jeans and slipped on a hoodie. He didn't even bother to fix his hair, which was sticking out in random directions.

At promptly 7:30, there was a sharp knock on the door. Misha took a deep breath to steel his nerves, but it didn't really work. He opened up the door a little to reveal Jensen standing there. He held out a bouquet of purple Hyacinths, offering them to the shorter man.

Misha looked at them for a moment, thinking about whether he should take them or not. With a small shrug, he grabbed them from Jensen's outstretched arm. "One sec." He turned back around and headed into his apartment. He grabbed a base out and quickly filled it with water, placing the flowers inside. Once he was done placing the Hyacinths in the water, he headed back over to the door.

"Ready to go?" Jensen asked.

He took a deep breath, giving him a slow nod. "I suppose." He stepped out of his apartment, locking the door behind him.


Misha looked around. They were on set, which was probably the last place he expected Jensen to take him. He would've thought they'd go to some fancy restaurant or something, but no.

"Not too far from here." Jensen murmured, starting to walk, leading the way towards their destination. It was somewhere in the trees next to set.

Misha didn't even bother asking where they were going. It was unlikely his question would be answered. Plus, he was trying to make it seem like he wasn't too eager or too nervous about the whole thing.

They walked deeper into the woods. Jensen pulled out a flashlight, clicking it on. It wasn't too dark out yet, but he had turned it on as more of a precaution so they could see better where they were walking.

And suddenly, it clicked. He knew where they were going. After all, he had been the one to take them out there first, for their Valentine's Day date. "Why are we going out to the lake? Are you trying to guilt trip me into dating you again?"

"No, I'm not. I couldn't think of a decent place to have this, so I decided to have it here." Jensen answered, glancing over his shoulder at Misha for a minute.

Misha kept staring straight ahead, not meeting his ex's gaze. "Have what here?"

"You'll just have to see."

They continued walking for a few more minutes before they emerged from the line of trees, near the shore of the lake. Set up a little ways away from the shore was a blanket with a picnic basket on it. There were candles scattered around it, and a guitar was sitting nearby.

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