High Fives

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   I got the inspiration to do this from a really stupid thing we did at my school the other day. (Haha you know who you are *wink*) but anyways, it's about your favourite thing in the whole wide world...high fives. Don't get me wrong, high fives are fantastic! However, they are really strange, if you ask me. Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with being a little strange sometimes! So without further ado, let's get right into it!
   Ah, high fives. The infamous way of greeting a friend, classmate, or anyone basically. Have you ever just sat back and thought, "what is a high five?" Honestly high fives are really strange. What exactly is the significance in putting your hand in the air just for someone to slap it as hard as they can? Are you wanting to inflict pain on yourself? I mean, who invented high fives and what was the point of them originally? Also, it's a great way to spread germs, ya know? So why do people high five eachother, what is the point? I know you're probably thinking, "well gosh, she's no fun" it's not that, I love a good high five, I just don't really understand it!
   So let me know what you think about this one, it's kinda weird and I just needed to throw something together real quick because I haven't posted in awhile. (Sorry about that) Make sure you stick around for the next chapter!

Side note- So for Unsolved Murder Mysteries, and Conspiracy Theories Part Two, I need suggestions, so if y'all have anything you'd like me to talk about, let me know. Thanks!

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